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diagnosed chronic mercury poisoning.      cury’s varied and nonspecific symptoms, which may also be intermittent
            Mercury depletes  nutrients  needed  for  in the early stages. In addition, toxicity testing is not straightforward.
         vital functions and dysregulates mineral and  Finally, because much exposure to mercury has been iatrogenic—via
         neurotransmitter metabolism to a greater extent  dental amalgams and vaccine preservatives—mercury research often
         than any other common toxicant. Because of  is controversial. The unfortunate combination of ubiquitous exposures,
         mercury’s powerful antinutrient effects, a nu-  iatrogenic involvement, long latencies, broad toxic effects, nonspecific
         trient-dense diet may alleviate many symptoms  symptoms and potentially irreversible damage renders chronic mercury
         of chronic mercury toxicity, but the nutritional  toxicity an under-recognized epidemic.
         depletion caused by mercury is so pervasive
         that affected individuals often also require nu-  Sara Russell, PhD, is a nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP), certified
         tritional supplementation. At the same time, it  GAPS practitioner and Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader re-
         is important to note that many mercury-affected  siding in Italy. Sara works via phone and Skype with clients worldwide,
         individuals are quite sensitive to a large number  specializing in fertility, pregnancy and young children. To learn more
         of foods, supplements and medications. None-  about Sara’s work, visit Kristin Homme, MPP,
         theless, many people with a hidden mercury  MPH is a retired engineer-turned-science-writer who has authored
         burden find relief by following a nutrient-dense  several scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
         diet, adapted as necessary to avoid gluten and/or
         dairy and to limit sugars and starches.   This article is a slightly edited version of the original article published
            There are many reasons why chronic mer-  in the January 2017 Townsend Letter. The authors are grateful to Nori
         cury toxicity remains under-recognized by both  Hudson, the late Andrew Hall Cutler, Janet Kern, Marco Prina, Rebecca
         mainstream and alternative health authorities.  Rust Lee and Lana Russell for reading and providing input on various
         These include the complicated, incomplete  drafts of the original article.
         and easily misinterpreted scientific literature
         on  mercury;  mercury’s  complex, nonlinear  REFERENCES
         toxicity; the influence of genetics, epigenetics   1.  Mutter J, Naumann J, Sadaghian C, Walach H, Drasch G. Amalgam studies:
         and micronutrient status in shaping mercury   disregarding basic principles of mercury toxicity. Int J Hyg Environ Health
         susceptibility; the ability of the body’s natural   2.  Weiss B, Clarkson TW, Simon W. Silent latency periods in methylmercury poi-
         defenses to mask toxicity, creating long latencies   soning and in neurodegenerative disease. Environ Health Perspect 2002;110(Sup-
         between exposures and symptoms; and mer-    pl 5):851-4.


             IAOMT ( is a professional dental association that provides fact sheets about mercury and information
             about IAOMT’s safe amalgam removal protocol.
          •   MERCURY FREE BABY
             Mercury Free Baby ( is a joint project of IAOMT and the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs
             (CoMeD), which advocates for removal of mercury from all vaccines.
             DAMS ( is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating consumers about unhealthy dental practices.
             This 1999 book by Andrew Hall Cutler is still the most complete, science-based self-help book on chronic mercury
             toxicity. Amalgam Illness (ISBN 0967616808) is available at as well as at online bookstores.
             This 2013 book by David Hammond provides more context and less physiology than Cutler’s book, in a rendition
             that some may find more readable.
          •   “SULPHUR FOODS”
             This resource ( explains why some people
             with mercury toxicity cannot tolerate thiols and how to identify thiol intolerance.
             The EWG offers a Skin Deep® searchable online consumer database ( that provides
             information about body care products such as soap, shampoo, sunscreen and cosmetics.

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