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diet, while others can tolerate one or both of these foods. Additional A hair elements test is another option, re-
intolerances too numerous to list may affect mercury-toxic individuals vealing apparent dysregulation of essential min-
to varying degrees. Regardless of the particular diet, the body’s ability eral homeostasis—with essential hair minerals
to detoxify will be reduced by intake of alcohol, sugar, refined starches, appearing abnormally high and/or low. Thus, the
processed foods, caffeine and medications, and will cause unpleasant hair elements test may serve as an economical
symptoms in many affected individuals. screening test for chronic mercury toxicity. Note
The common intolerance to sulfites in wine suggests impairment of that when hair essential minerals are dysregu-
the sulfite oxidase enzyme needed to convert toxic sulfite to beneficial lated, a high level of an essential mineral may
sulfate. This enzyme can be boosted by supplementing its cofactor, not indicate adequate intracellular status but
molybdenum. Because mercury blocks metabolic enzymes such as phe- may simply mean high excretion in hair.
nolsulfotransferases, some food compounds such as phenols can become It is beyond the scope of this nutrition-
partially metabolized into toxic intermediates, often resulting in reactions focused article to discuss mercury treatment
such as red cheeks and/or ears and hyperactivity after consuming foods options, but we recommend caution when con-
high in phenols. Yeast overgrowth can increase sensitivity to high-thiol sidering detoxification protocols. For the highly
and high-oxalate foods. mercury-toxic, many products may be either
Foods high in free thiols may be poorly tolerated by some mercury- unsafe (such as chlorella and cilantro) or may be
affected individuals, particularly if the transsulfuration pathway is com- used in an unsafe manner (such as alpha lipoic
promised, as can occur with molybdenum deficiency. Other sulfur-rich acid). Many nutritional supplements include al-
foods, such as red meat and organ meats, do not cause such problems. pha lipoic acid without warning about its metal-
Of course, it is important to consume a diet that includes all the essential chelating properties. When taken by individuals
amino acids, including those that contain sulfur. The late Andrew Cutler, who have mercury dental amalgams or a body
author of Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment and Hair Test burden of mercury, alpha lipoic acid can pull
Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities noted that foods high in free mercury from the teeth and other tissues in an
thiol (which include legumes, dairy, the cabbage family and eggs) can attempt to equilibrate levels throughout the body
provoke symptoms in a significant subset of mercury-affected people, in and brain. This is especially tragic when fetal
part by increasing plasma cysteine, which may rise in response to mercury exposure is involved. We suggest that anyone
and its biochemical effects. Vegetarian diets are particularly deleterious wishing to deepen their knowledge of mercury
to a significant subset of people suffering from mercury toxicity, because detoxification read the books by Andrew Cutler
it is virtually impossible to obtain sufficient protein on a vegetarian diet (see Resources sidebar). 56,57 Cutler’s work is
that is modified to reduce free-thiol sources. the most useful compilation of science-based
Another problematic food for many mercury-toxic individuals is explanations of mercury toxicity and its myriad
cilantro leaf, which contains a chelating substance capable of redistrib- effects. It should be noted that Cutler’s chelation
uting mercury, thus exacerbating symptoms in sensitive individuals. protocol, though grounded in scientific theory,
Unfortunately, alternative health practitioners sometimes recommend is controversial and not without risk.
cilantro in large amounts in both food and supplement form. Also often
recommended is chlorella, which is inadvisable as a supplement due to its CONCLUSIONS
potential for contamination from the environment in which it is grown and Mercury’s toxicity is uniquely far-reaching,
to its lipopolysaccharide content, which can cause inflammatory stress. creating a biochemical train wreck in the body
and having the toxic power to cause or con-
TESTING tribute to most chronic illnesses. In addition to
Unfortunately, testing for mercury toxicity is not straightforward. disrupting fundamental biochemical processes,
Mercury may accumulate in organs like the brain, even while blood, urine, mercury promotes oxidative stress, depletes
fecal and hair levels are low. It is advisable to avoid urine challenge tests, antioxidant defenses and destroys biological
which involve administering a chelator in a dosage high enough to cause barriers. It causes numerous interacting effects
significant oxidative stress due to redistribution of toxic metals to target across multiple organ systems, leading to a
organs such as the brain and kidneys. A porphyrin panel can reveal the gamut of health issues ranging from fatigue
footprint of toxic metals including mercury. Porphyrins are undesirable and inflammation to endocrine and immune
byproducts that occur when enzymes are blocked by toxicants. However, dysregulation and mood disorders. People who
because porphyrins are easily destroyed, the risk of false negatives is have multiple health problems should consider
high unless the sample is handled carefully. the possibility that they are suffering from un-
SPRING 2018 Wise Traditions 25