Page 21 - Spring2018
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second and third trimesters.  As of 2013, more  cal damage. Genetic susceptibilities occur along   Genetic
            than half of influenza vaccines were still pre-  a continuum, but the growing movement to
            served with thimerosal,  with the availability  mandate vaccines has so far failed to recognize   susceptibilities
            of non-thimerosal versions subject to supply-  this complex reality.               occur along
            and-demand dynamics. A thimerosal-free flu                                         a continuum,
            vaccine shortage during the 2015 flu season  OTHER EXPOSURES TO MERCURY
            led California’s governor to sign an exception   A number of other products have exposed   but the
            allowing thimerosal-containing vaccines to be  consumers to mercury over time. Until the  growing
            administered to infants and children despite a  1960s, teething powders for babies contained   movement
            previous statewide restriction.           mercury in the form of calomel, and broken mer-
               Like the multidose influenza vaccines, some  cury thermometers were a common exposure   to mandate
            multidose meningococcal meningitis vaccines  risk in many countries up to the early 2000s.  vaccines has
            and tetanus toxoid (booster) vaccines (not rec-  Contact lens solutions contained thimerosal,   so far failed
            ommended for children under six years of age)  and the once widely used antiseptic called Mer-
            also contain thimerosal as a preservative, in  curochrome contained the mercury-bromine   to recognize
            amounts ranging from 12.5 to 25 micrograms  compound merbromin.                    this complex
            per dose. 27,28  As of 2016, some other childhood   In 1998, the FDA banned mercury as an   reality.
            vaccine preparations, such as the multidose  active ingredient in over-the-counter products,
            DTaP and the DTaP/Hib combination vaccines,  declaring that it was not “generally recognized
            still utilize thimerosal in the manufacturing pro-  as safe” (GRAS). Nevertheless, the FDA con-
            cess. In these vaccines, most of the thimerosal  tinues to allow use of mercury as an inactive
            is then filtered out, leaving “trace amounts” of  ingredient, provided its content is under sixty-
            thimerosal, according to the CDC.  The end  five parts per million. In the cosmetics realm,
            result, according to thimerosal researchers, is  FDA regulations regarding cosmetics do not
            that “the approximate maximum lifetime expo-  require labeling disclosure of ingredients that
            sure to [mercury] from Thimerosal-preserved  make up less than 1 percent of the product. As
            vaccines…is now more than double what it  a result, some brands of mascara still contain
            would have been had the pre-2000 vaccination  thimerosal as an antimicrobial and preservative.
            schedule been maintained.” 22                Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) typically
               A few isolated court cases in the U.S. and  contain about four milligrams (four thousand
            elsewhere have recognized post facto that a  micrograms) of mercury, some of which is
            limited number of well-documented genetic  released upon breakage in the form of mercury
            susceptibilities to vaccine injury—including  vapor. Table 3 compares the concentration of
            some mitochondrial disorders—have caused  this toxic release to various regulatory safety
            certain children to suffer permanent neurologi-  standards. CFL proponents argue that the en-

                                               (MICROGRAMS PER METER  OF AIR)

              CFL exposure
              Estimated initial release from typical broken CFL 61                         200-800
              Selected U.S. regulatory standards for inhalation of mercury vapor

              National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health                         10,000
              (NIOSH) “Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health” 62
              Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) “Permissible               100
              Exposure Limit” (PEL) for healthy workers exposed 40 hours per week
              Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry “Mini-                         0.2
              mal Risk Level” (safe limit for continuous exposure) 64

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