Page 13 - Spring2018
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

                                       Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats

            WAR ON OBESITY                                      their factories. One of the big dirty secrets in the food pro-
            Like so many Latin American countries, the nation of Chile  cessing industry is the fact that powdered milk (or powdered
            is battling an obesity epidemic, which officials rightly blame  anything) is never sterile.
            on the onslaught of unhealthy processed foods, for sale at
            kiosks and vending machines everywhere. New regulations  MORE BAD NEWS ABOUT SOY
            require explicit labeling and limit the marketing of sugary  Researchers in Brazil fed soy milk to two groups of grow-
            foods to children. The law prohibits the sale of junk food like  ing rats. One group got soy milk plus glyphosate (the main
            ice cream, chocolate and potato chips in Chilean schools and  ingredient in Roundup) and the other group got soy milk
            curtails advertising to young children. Sodas high in sugar  without the added pesticide. Both groups exhibited endo-
            are taxed at 18 percent, one of the highest such fees in the  crine disruption in the form of decreased testosterone levels,
            world. However, the linchpin of the initiative is a new labeling  decrease in Sertoli cell numbers (Sertoli cells are involved
            system that requires packaged food companies to prominently  in the production of sperm) and an increase in the numbers
            display black warning logos in the shape of a stop sign on  of degenerated Sertoli and Leydig cells. Those animals that
            items high in sugar, salt,                                                       also got glyphosate had
            calories. . . or saturated                                                       additional abnormalities
            fat (New York Times, Feb-                                                        (Food and Chemical Toxi-
            ruary 7, 2018)! So the                                                           cology 2017;100:247-252).
            baneful dietary guide-                                                           Yet a recent study pub-
            lines, which by proscrib-                                                        lished in the Journal of
            ing saturated fat make                                                           Food Science and Tech-
            people crave processed                                                           nology touts soy milk as
            food, are now enshrined                                                          the “best alternative to
            in new labeling laws. If                                                         milk” (Jan 2018:55(1)10-
            governments were really                                                          20). Researchers looked
            serious about protecting                                                         at the “nutritional profile”
            the health of their citizens,                                                    of soy milk, rice milk,
            they would promote and fund old-fashioned food carts, rather  almond milk and coconut milk and concluded that soy milk
            than eliminate them through onerous health laws, and would  was best, largely because of a higher protein content. “Soy
            embark on a campaign to teach their populations the value of  milk has been a substitute for cow’s milk for four decades,”
            traditional foods, including traditional saturated fats.   said the researchers, “and had the most balanced nutritional
                                                                profile of the four milks included in the study.” As for the
            RISKY FORMULA                                       isoflavones in soy that keep boys from becoming men, “these
            Public health officials often express shock that we would  phytonutrients have anti-carcinogenic properties which can
            recommend homemade formula based on raw milk; but  help prevent or delay cancer.” The “study” was funded by
            what they don’t tell parents is that powdered baby formula  the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
            can be very risky. Recently more than twelve million boxes  Canada and widely reported in the press—a sign that the
            of powdered baby milk formula were recalled in eighty- soybean industry is on the move again to counter years of
            three countries in a salmonella scandal involving the French  negative publicity about the tragic health effects of soy.
            company Lactalis. Lawsuits filed by parents who say their
            children became unwell after drinking the formula are ongo- TOO MUCH PROTEIN
            ing—at least thirty-five cases so far in France and others in  Use of protein-rich supplements and shakes is common
            Spain and Greece. The company has stated that they believe  among bodybuilders, a practice that we have consistently
            the contamination was caused by renovation work at one of  warned against. Too much protein can deplete vitamin A,

            SPRING 2018                              Wise Traditions                                                   11
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