Page 90 - Spring2018
P. 90

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              What’s Making Our Children Sick?             The book's main focus is on our food supply,
                              How Industrial Food Is Causing an        but the two authors do not ignore environmental
                              Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What    and other considerations. Rather, the role of
                              Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It    environmental and other factors in increasing
                              By Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams     the toxic burden of the modern world and com-
                              Chelsea Green Publishing                 promising our immune, genetic and microbial
                                                                       defenses helps explain why some people become
                                 Cancer. Digestive disorders. Autoimmune  far sicker far sooner than others.
                              disorders. Allergies and asthma. What once was   Discussing the EPA, Perro and Adams state
                              rare or reserved for the elderly now afflicts the  (page 45), “The EPA’s task has been to monitor
                              young in startling numbers. Indeed, the only  the nearly 100,000 chemicals produced in or im-
                              reason I am writing this review is because, as  ported into the United States. Of these 100,000
                              a so-called “healthy” twenty-four-year-old, I  chemicals, the EPA has only taken action to re-
                              suffered from dental decay, terrible allergies  duce the risk of over 3,600 chemicals, and it has
                              and eventually duodenal ulcers that drove me  banned or limited the production or use of only
                              to change my diet to save my body.       5. It has not actually regulated a single chemical
                                 Michelle Perro, MD and Vincanne Adams,  in the United States since the mid-1980s…. The
                              PhD attempt to explore and explain what is  EPA does not conduct rigorous research on the
                              causing our children to face such significantly  effects of chemicals.”
                              increased rates of disease. Their thesis is that our   What’s Making Our Children Sick? is also
                              food supply—the very thing meant to nourish  careful to explain that just because modern
                              and sustain us—now sows the seeds of our sick-  foods and chemicals make us sick does not mean
                              ness. Genetically modified (GM) foods, glypho-  that we all will get sick in the same way, at the
                              sate and other pesticides lead to compromised  same speed or for the same reasons. Genetic,
                              gut health and set the stage for the rapid, early  environmental and other factors all play a role
                              onset of disease, sometimes even before birth.  in why we become ill. Thus, “not all people will
                              The book is a densely written, two-hundred-plus  get sick from eating unhealthy foods at the same
                              pages that combine discussion, stories from the  rate”—but “this does not mean…we should
                              doctor’s practice, history and science.   assume that those foods are therefore healthy.”
                                 There is one important thing to note. In this   A great deal of the book (Chapter Six, in
            The authors       book, the authors use the word “pesticide” ac-  particular) discusses the microbiome. The au-
               state that     cording to the Environmental Protection Agen-  thors report that “some researchers now suggest
          “The EPA has        cy (EPA) definition, which includes herbicides,  microbes might themselves be a source of the
                              fungicides, insecticides and other chemicals that  mucus layer and its associated metabolites.”
            not actually      all fall under the umbrella term “pesticide.” In  In other words, that essential protective layer
               regulated      other circles, many people use the more common  that coats our entire digestive tract—microbes
                  a single    division of pesticides (bugs and other critters),  do that! Indeed, that isn’t all that microbes do;

                chemical      herbicides (grasses and plants) and fungicides  certain species can produce folate and other
                              as separate divisions or categories, but in the  nutrients right where our body can easily ab-
                    in the    government classification system, everything  sorb them. This means that gut dysbiosis may
          United States       gets lumped under “pesticides.” The authors  explain certain nutrient deficiencies even bet-
                              also use the word “toxicants” to refer to all the  ter than dietary factors. Perro and Adams also
                since the     various, potentially damaging chemicals we  point to a growing body of research showing
            mid-1980s.”       encounter from the environment and our food.  that many substances that are not considered

         88                                         Wise Traditions                               SPRING 2018
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