Page 94 - Spring2018
P. 94
Tim's DVD Reviews
Sick to Death cure. Griffin finds it interesting that insurance
Maggie Hadleigh-West boards are well populated with people from the
Executive Producers: pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Jerome Kassirer,
Maggie Hadleigh-West and Kent Holtorf MD, former editor-in-chief of the New England
Journal of Medicine, recounts how many studies
This video documents the long, drawn-out published in the journal were funded and some-
attempts of Maggie to find some relief from her times run by big pharma. Griffin's conclusion is
low thyroid symptoms. Most doctors rely mainly that this country is in trouble. We have lost sight
on blood tests even though they are notoriously of the principles that made this country great.
unreliable. The usual result is that no problem This film has some mature content that
is found when there really is a problem. Once viewers might want to be aware of. It does a
the doctors were finally convinced there was a good job of explaining how the medical sys-
problem, the diagnosis bounced around from tem works at the highest levels, so I give it a
thyroid disease to Graves disease to Hashimoto's thumbs UP.
disease to Lyme. That pretty much sums up
where Western medicine is today. There are no Injecting Aluminum
solutions except drugs and great difficulty even Cinema Libre Studio
deciding what the problem is. Produced by Entre2prises and E3M
One of the treatments Maggie was subjected
to was drinking radioactive iodine to burn out The medical-pharmaceutical industry has
her thyroid. Apparently, removal of trouble- assured us that vaccines and their various con-
making organs is the way to go these days. (I'm tents have been tested and are safe. Researchers
glad I don't get headaches very often.) This did in Europe got curious after seeing a new disease
nothing to improve her health. Nothing else called macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) occur
Western medicine had to offer helped either. in people exposed to aluminum. They looked
Maggie underwent a sleep study. With all the into the aluminum safety studies and found
wires, tubes and tape they wrap their sleep sub- that these studies were done only on rabbits.
ject in, I can't believe there is any possibility of Just rabbits.
normal sleep happening. Maggie saw an alter- “But lots of rabbits over a long period of
native doctor until the medical board shut him time, right?” Uh, just short-term and just one
down for not following government-dictated study. “But a lot of rabbits, right? Right?” Well,
protocols. She eventually resorted to traveling that depends on your definition of “lots.” If more
to Brussels to find treatment that didn't involve than one is “lots,” then, yes, “lots.” “How many
destroying any more organs. then? Around a thousand? One hundred? Ten?”
This documentary takes a look at the bigger Two. “You mean two thousand? Two hundred?”
Apparently, picture, and that is what I found most interest- No, just two. Two rabbits.
removal of ing. Author and filmmaker G. Edward Griffin World Health Organization guidelines for
trouble- appears several times to explain the economics safe levels of aluminum are based on studies like
and politics behind what is going on. There is no that. Conflicts of interest among safety agencies
making doubt he has done a lot of study on the subject. and medical authorities are well documented,
organs is the He briefly outlines how the Rockefellers joined and this video discusses them in some detail.
Christopher Exley is one of the world’s
way to go up with the German chemical company IG Far- leading experts on aluminum (or “aluminium”
ben to steer the medical industry toward a drug-
these days. based industry. It was entirely about profit, not as the British like to call it). He is often called
92 Wise Traditions SPRING 2018