Page 96 - Spring2018
P. 96

Vaccination Update

                                By Kendall Nelson, Director, The Greater Good

                                 Perhaps you were fortunate enough to  or approved aluminum, and despite the fact that
                              attend the 2016 Weston A. Price Foundation  aluminum is a known and undisputed toxin,
                              conference in Alabama where my colleague  neurotoxin and teratogen (an agent or factor that
                              Laura Hayes gave a presentation. Hayes is an  causes malformation of an embryo). As Hayes
                              anti-vaccine activist whose twenty-four-year-  aptly stated, “Defying common sense and vio-
                              old son was severely injured by his “routine”  lating basic safety and ethics standards, the FDA
                              childhood vaccinations during his infancy,  approves vaccines that contain never-proven-
                              toddlerhood and early childhood. Hayes began  safe and known-to-be dangerous ingredients.”
                              her presentation, “Vaccines: What Is There to
                              Be ‘Pro’ About?” by defining the hallmark of  SAFETY STUDIES
                              ethical medicine: prior, completely voluntary     If you were to ask the FDA or the CDC
                              and fully informed consent. She explained how  which studies they use to determine the safety
                              vaccine mandates, with or without exemptions,  and recommendation of injectable aluminum,
                              violate this hallmark of ethical medicine, which  they would refer you to the only study done by
                              is included in numerous international codes of  an FDA scientist. “Updated Aluminum Pharma-
                              ethics, all signed by the U.S.           cokinetics Following Infant Exposures Through
                                 Hayes also spoke about the complete ab-  Diet and Vaccination,” by Dr. Robert J. Mitkus
                              sence of appropriate and properly performed  was published October 2011 in the journal Vac-
           In 2001, the       vaccine safety studies. Despite this absence,  cine. While the title may sound impressive, this
            CDC began         the U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) has  study was heavily flawed. Mitkus tested infused
                              wrongly approved scores of vaccines over the  intravenously (rather than injected) aluminum
       recommending           course of many decades now, and the Centers for  citrate (rather than aluminum hydroxide) into
                pregnant      Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also  adults (rather than infants). As J.B. Handley,
       women receive          wrongly approved them. To make matters worse,  co-founder of Generation Rescue, wrote, “Dr.
                                                                       Mitkus’ study is somewhere between a profes-
                              all fifty state legislatures have mandated vac-
        the aluminum-         cines for school-aged students (although some  sional disgrace and a fraudulent disaster. In no
              containing      states offer philosophical or religious exemp-  other drug on the planet (except for vaccines)
                pertussis     tions), and often also for daycare participants,  would safety standards ever be determined
                              based on inept and corrupt approvals and rec-
                                                                       without using the actual product (aluminum
        vaccine (Tdap),       ommendations of the FDA and CDC’s Advisory  hydroxide) administered the proper way (in-
             despite the      Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP),  tramuscular injection) into the proper patient

                 fact that    and at the unethical bidding of pharmaceutical  population (infants).”

                                                                           This should give us all pause. How is it
                              and medical industry lobbyists.
           studies show          An example of wrongful vaccine approvals  possible that aluminum has been used in vac-
                      that    and recommendations by agencies entrusted  cines for more than seventy years, yet the FDA
              aluminum        with public health is the use of aluminum in  has never conducted a single legitimate toxicity
                              vaccines. It is used in the majority of today’s  study proving the safety of injectable aluminum
             crosses the      vaccines. Hayes explained that the FDA ap-  in human beings? To be fair, the FDA does
          placenta and        proves the use of aluminum-based adjuvants in  receive studies from outside sources. However,
           accumulates        vaccines, which are added to increase the body’s  those sources are pharmaceutical companies
                              immune response to the vaccine, despite the  who manufacture and profit from the sale of
         in fetal tissue.     fact that the agency has never clinically tested  vaccines, and permitting them to provide the

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