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2016 in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, using the  multiple sclerosis, Gulf War syndrome, type 1
            FDA’s own figures, 11-14 mcg of injected aluminum would be toxic to a  diabetes, macrophagic myofasciitis and chronic
            six-pound baby with impaired kidney function, yet infants are routinely  fatigue syndrome, as well as a spectrum of neu-
            given 250 mcg of aluminum within twelve hours of birth via the hepatitis  rological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, ALS
            B vaccine.                                                    and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
                Miller also makes the point that “babies are not the only age group ex-
            posed to high levels of aluminum in vaccines.” For example, the HPV vaccine  GOOD WORKS BY CMSRI
            (indicated for the prevention of cervical and anal cancers and genital warts     Perhaps the best library of peer-reviewed,
            associated with some strains of human papillomavirus) is recommended for  published studies on aluminum can be found at
            use in both males and females, nine through twenty-six years of age. Ac-  Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute
            cording to package inserts, each 0.5-mL dose of Gardasil 9 (HPV vaccine)  (CMSRI) at In fact, CMSRI, founded
            contains approximately 500 mcg of aluminum and two to three doses are  by Claire Dwoskin, not only has a comprehen-
            recommended over a six- to twelve-month period based on age.   sive website featuring the most important stud-
                It’s important to know that Gardasil was fast-tracked through the  ies, they are dedicated to funding independent
            FDA. Safety trials did not include a true placebo as “control groups” were  research in hopes of providing answers to our
            also injected with aluminum and pharmaceutical researchers masked  growing, worldwide epidemic of chronic disease
            a cascade of adverse reactions. To date, there have been over fifty-five  and disability. Recently, two very important alu-
            thousand adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Re-  minum studies were made possible by CMSRI.
            porting System (VAERS), including four hundred six deaths.    Funding from Dwoskin’s organization provided
                                                                          Dr. Christopher Exley, researcher and profes-
            THE SCIENCE                                                   sor at Keele University, and his co-workers the
                When my producing partners and I set out to reveal the truth about  means to examine the effects of aluminum in
            aluminum in our documentary about vaccines, The Greater Good, we  deceased Alzheimer’s and autism patients.
            visited world-renowned aluminum expert Dr. Christopher Shaw at the     One of these studies used fluorescence mi-
            University of British Columbia. As the first to test the biological impact  croscopy, which revealed extremely high levels
            of aluminum adjuvants in 2007, Dr. Shaw and fellow researchers took  of aluminum in the brains of twelve familial Al-
            the same aluminum hydroxide used in vaccines and injected it into the  zheimer’s disease (AD) victims. “Aluminum in
            muscles of mice to see what would happen when they tried to mimic  Brain Tissue in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease,”
            the vaccine schedule. What they found was rapid behavioral symptoms,  published December 9, 2016 in the Journal of
            including not only behavioral deficits of motor function, but cognitive  Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, not
            deficits as well. Later when they sacrificed the animals and looked into  only confirmed the presence of aluminum in
            their brains and spinal cords, they found massive damage to motor  familial AD brain tissue, it also gave rise to
            neurons. As Dr. Shaw explained, they “may be creating conditions for  two other important conclusions. First, based on
            Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, maybe not immediately, but ten,  their admittedly “striking” results, the authors
            twenty, thirty years down the road.” When we as filmmakers asked the  suggest that genetic predisposition to AD may
            FDA for a response to Dr. Shaw’s study, they said they did “not believe  be accompanied by “a higher propensity to ac-
            this particular paper brings to light the need for additional research that is  cumulate and retain aluminum in the brain.”
            not already underway.” My question to the FDA today would be, “where  Second and equally important, the authors
            is that research now that a decade has gone by?”              report that high aluminum concentrations are
                Joining the ranks with Dr. Shaw, many additional independent  “highly likely” to contribute not only to early
            scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries regarding aluminum  onset and aggressive progress of familial AD but
            adjuvants and potential injury. Some of the most prominent in the field  to “all forms of AD under certain conditions.”
            include Dr. Shaw’s colleague, Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, of the Uni-  (Alzheimer’s disease is expected to affect one
            versity of British Columbia; Dr. Christopher Exley of Keele University;  in two Americans by 2050.)
            Drs. Romain Gherardi and Guillemette Crépeaux of Université Paris-Est     The November 2017 issue of the Journal
            Créteil; and Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld of Tel Aviv University.     of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology
                Because of their work, we now know that aluminum adjuvants may  published another study by Dr. Exley and team
            result in autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated  titled: “Aluminum in Brain Tissue in Autism.”
            neurological complications. We also know that aluminum exposures are  Researchers examined the brains of five de-
            connected to autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,  ceased individuals who were diagnosed with

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