Page 101 - Spring2018
P. 101

Legislative Updates

                                             YOUR ACTIVISM WORKS!
                                               By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                Thank you to everyone who has taken ac-  try programs in the last Farm Bill, based on the
            tion on the WAPF alerts about the PRIME Act!  expectation that the export markets would keep
            This bill would help remove one of the biggest  prices high. With the export markets proving to
            barriers to local meat production, namely the  be an exercise in international price-shopping
            lack of local meat processors that small farmers  that have pushed farmers’ prices below their cost
            can use to process meat to sell at farmers mar-  to produce these goods, conventional dairy and
            kets and local outlets (more details in sidebar).  cotton farmers have been desperate to have the
            The PRIME Act is now up to 22 co-sponsors  programs restored.
            —including Representative Colin Peterson, the     But restoring these programs requires sig-
            ranking member (most senior Democrat) on the  nificant funds, and one of the delays in holding
            House Agriculture Committee.              a hearing on the Farm Bill has been that the
                Representative Peterson signed on to the  money required for this change would normally
            bill after hearing from WAPF members in his  be taken out of other existing programs. But in
            district. The WAPF members didn’t sign an on-  February, Congress provided for the dairy and
            line petition or send a form email. Instead, they  cotton programs within the omnibus budget—
            took a few minutes to call and send personal  effectively increasing the total amount of money
            emails. Just a handful of personal contacts like  for farm programs within the Farm Bill. That
            that can be enough to get a legislator’s attention  unusual procedural move cleared the way for the
            and support, as they did here.            Committee to move forward on the Farm Bill
                The best chance for the PRIME Act to pass  without having to make the difficult choice of
            is as an amendment to the Farm Bill, which we  what to cut to make room for dairy and cotton   Judith McGeary
            also discussed in the last issue of Wise Tradi-  commodity programs.                is the Austin, Texas,
            tions. There is a realistic chance of this happen-     All of these commodity programs are   chapter leader, an
            ing, with a bipartisan list of co-sponsors that  deeply flawed and a significant part of our   attorney and
            includes not only Rep. Peterson but also Rep.  dysfunctional agriculture and food system.   small farmer, and the
                                                                                                executive director of
            King (R-IA), another member of the House  Understandably, some WAPF members have    the Farm and Ranch
            Agriculture Committee.                    expressed concern about linking the PRIME   Freedom Alliance.
                So what is happening with the Farm Bill?  Act to the Farm Bill. But we face two realities   She has a B.S. in
            The public debates on it have repeatedly been  at this time: (1) with or without our support, the   biology from
                                                                                                Stanford University
            delayed, while work has gone on behind the  Farm Bill will pass without major changes to its   and a J.D. from the
            scenes. At the time this article goes to print, the  fundamental provisions, and (2) the PRIME Act   University of Texas
            best information on when the House Agriculture  is highly unlikely to pass except as an amend-  at Austin. She and
            Committee will hold its “mark-up”—committee  ment to the Farm Bill. We can advocate for the   her husband
                                                                                                run a small
            discussion—on the bill is the very last week of  PRIME Act to be added to the Farm Bill without   grass-based farm
            March or first week of April. The Senate Agri-  expressing support for the Farm Bill as a whole   with sheep, cattle,
            culture Committee’s timing is entirely unclear.  —and, in doing so, help build more strength for   horses, and poultry.
            The Committee’s version of the Farm Bill is  a sustainable, localized food system.  For more
                                                                                                information, go to
            expected to look a lot like the last Farm Bill. One     Even if you have called or written before,   farmandranch
            key difference will be for the dairy and cotton  now is an important time to contact your federal or
            industries, which were taken out of large indus-  legislators and ask them to support the PRIME   call (254) 697-2661.

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