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             Fall 2006      Is Vitamin D Toxic?; Sunlight and Melanoma; Vegetable Oil Nightmare; Saturated Fat Attack; Picky Eaters.
             Winter 2007    Children’s Issue: Gut and Psychology Syndrome; Vitamins for Fetal Development, Traditional Remedies.
             Fall 2010      Essential Fatty Acids; Magnesium; Healthy Skin; Sacred Foods for Children; Tale of Two Calves.
             Winter 2010    Joel Salatin on the Politics of Food; Saving the Polish Countryside; Biological Farming; Glutathione in Raw Milk.
             Summer 2011    Sulfur Deficiency; The Importance of Salt; The Senomyx Scandal; Why We Crave; Raw Milk Safety.
             Fall 2011      Pork - Live Blood Analysis Study; Pork Recipes; The Accumulated Wisdom of Primitive People; Protein Primer.
             Winter 2012    Vitamin A Synergies; The Story of Zinc; Natural Skin Cream; Slovenian Soups and Stews; Soy Infant Formula.
             Spring 2013    Nutritional Roots of Violence; Glycine for Mental Stability; Pork Study; Homeopathy for Mental Illness.
             Summer 2013    Our Broken Food Supply; The Marketing of Crisco; GMOs in Europe; Insights of a Meat Processor; Natto.
             Fall 2013      GMO Dangers; Roundup Dangers: Culinary Traditions in Romania; The Battle for the People’s Milk.
             Winter 2013    Beyond Cholesterol; Cancer as a Healing Strategy; Grain Traditions in Russia; Push to Pasteurize Breast Milk.
             Spring 2014    Dr. Price’s Scientific Approach; Weston Price and the Fluoridationists; Cows and Climate; Economics of Raw Milk.
             Summer 2014    Nutrition for the Elderly; A New Look at Alzheimer’s Disease; In Defense of Wheat; Dangers of Vegetable Oils.
             Fall 2014      What Causes Heart Attacks? The Myogenic Theory of Heart Disease; Thrombi in Heart Disease.
             Winter 2014    Effects of Smart Phones on the Blood; Dangers of Smart Meters; Protection Against EMR; U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
             Spring 2015    Cleansing Myths and Dangers; Toxicity and Chronic Illness; Gentle Detoxification; Great Nutrition Pioneers.
             Summer 2015    Vaccination Dangers Issue.
             Fall 2015      The Scandal of Infant Formula; Vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil; Cod Liver Oil Controversy; Fermented Fish Foods.
             Winter 2015    Water Issue: The Fourth Phase of Water; Sewage in a Glass; Water Stressors; Teaching WAPF to College Students.
             Spring 2016    Folic Acid and Glyphosate; Why We Need Saturated Fats; Cod Liver Oil Testing; Flint, Michigan Cautionary Tale.
             Summer 2016    Vitamin A; Healthy Fertility; Recovery from the Pill; The Concussion Epidemic; EMR and the ADHD Child.
             Fall 2016      Recovery from a Low-Carb Diet; Why We Need Carbs; Salt; Nutritional Yeast; Big Box Stores; Addictions.
             Winter 2016    Men’s Health; Protein Powders; Fueling the Modern Athlete; Restoring Male Fertility; Glyphosate in Collagen.
             Spring 2017    Type 2 Diabetes; Couch Potato or Marathon Runner?; Weight Loss; Costa Rica; Moving Heavy Loads; MSG.
             Summer 2017    Cholesterol Sulfate and the Heart; Vitamin D Dilemmas; Five Obstacles to Cure; The Adrenal-Heart Connection
             Fall 2017      Why Do We Get Cancer; Support for Pediatric Cancer; The Tijuana Clinics; GCMaF and Raw Milk; Black Salve.
             Winter 2018    The HPA Axis; A Primer on the Thyroid; Recovery from Bioidentical Hormones; WAPF in Peru.
                                        All articles from all journals are posted at
                                          Back issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
               HEALTHY BABY ISSUE: Traditional Remedies for Childhood Illness; Baby Food and Formula; Vitamins for Fetal Development;
                             Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Vaccinations; Baby Food; Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
                    HEART DISEASE ISSUE: What Causes Heart Disease? Benefits of High Cholesterol; Oiling of America and more.
                                         Special issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).

                              HEALTHY 4 LIFE DIETARY GUIDELINES AND RECIPE BOOK in English and Spanish.
                                     $10 each (includes shipping & handling) or $6 each for 10 or more.

                                PRINCIPLES OF HEALTHY DIETS 28-page booklet in English, French and Spanish
                                    $1 each (includes shipping & handling), 60 cents each for 100 or more.

                          2018 SHOPPING GUIDE 96-page booklet listing 2,000 products in categories: Best, Good, Avoid
                             $3 each (includes shipping and handling) $2 each for 10 or more; $1 each for 50 or more.

                                                        TRIFOLD FLYERS
                                   The Dangers of Industrial Fats and Oils      Butter is Better
                                   Cod Liver Oil, Our Number One Superfood      Dangers of Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
                                   How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer with Food   Myths & Truths About Cholesterol
                                   Nutrition for Mental Health                Real Milk
                                   Sugar Alert!                               Soy Alert!
                                                         NEW! A Message to Grandparents

                      Suggested donation for flyers is 25 cents each (includes shipping & handling), 15 cents each for 100 or more

                         Payment may be made by check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express.
                                    Make checks payable to The Weston A. Price Foundation.
                      OR ORDER ONLINE at or phone (202) 363-4394 or fax (703) 820-3334

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