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ASD and found them to contain among the  product liability lawsuits) and the overturning of the 1905 Jacobson vs.
         highest levels of the toxic metal aluminum ever  MA decision, which is often cited as justification for vaccine mandates,
         recorded. In fact, they had up to ten times more  even though the 1947 Nuremburg Code should have made that decision
         aluminum in their brains than healthy adults.  null and void. Mandates for children are particularly disturbing as studies
             Clearly, many  recent studies  outline  show children are at far greater risk from aluminum adjuvants because
         concerns over the use of aluminum adjuvants  of the combination of rapid growth, an incomplete blood-brain barrier
         in vaccines. As Handley states, “versus ten  and limited ability to eliminate toxins.
         years ago, scientists now know that aluminum     I will go so far as to say, and I know Hayes would agree, it is no longer
         adjuvant can 1) impair brain development, 2)  acceptable for anyone within the medical community who administers
         remain in the brain much longer than thought,  vaccines to overlook the serious safety concerns that recent studies raise.
         3) is brought into the brain by macrophages that  While findings of peer-reviewed, published studies receive little coverage
         grab the aluminum from the vaccine injection  in the mainstream media, leading scientists and research institutes world-
         site and recirculate it, 4) may actually be worse  wide are recognizing the implications and indictments of aluminum and
         when injected in small doses (as happens in vac-  aluminum adjuvants. It is time for health professionals to do the same and
         cination), and 4) there’s remarkably high levels  to cease giving vaccines until they are proven safe. After all, isn’t “first do
         of aluminum in the brains of people diagnosed  no harm” one of the most valued guiding principles of medical care?
         with autism.” Add Dr. Exley’s findings on alu-     As for the FDA, they need to start requiring the same rigorous pre-
         minum and Alzheimer’s, and the public should  licensing safety testing for vaccines that they require for other drugs.
         be very concerned.                        Likewise, it is not acceptable for the CDC to recommend aluminum-
                                                   containing vaccines (or any vaccines for that matter, as no vaccines have
         A GLIMMER OF HOPE                         ever gone through proper safety studies and all have potentially devastat-
             It’s worth mentioning here that research  ing side effects). I believe the actions of these two agencies are nothing
         points to a way of helping those burdened with  less than criminal, and I would be thrilled to see more people stand up
         a heavy load of aluminum. Several studies  like Hayes, who is not afraid to speak the truth, and like Dwoskin, who
         have shown the essential nutrient silica may  strives to find unbiased answers though scientific research.
         effectively detoxify and help excrete aluminum.     Aluminum may be praised for its vital use in the aerospace industry
         “Silicon-Rich Mineral Water as a Non-Invasive  and for its contributions to the transportation and building industries
         Test of the ‘Aluminum Hypothesis’ in Al-  worldwide; however, it does not have any business being in our vaccines.
         zheimer’s Disease,” by Dr. Exley was published  Additionally, aluminum does not belong in our household products,
         in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2013.  food (including baby formula), food packaging, cosmetics and skincare
         Taurine and curcumin have also been shown  products including sunscreen, deodorants and prescription and over-the-
         to reduce aluminum neurotoxicity as evidenced  counter medicines. Aluminum may be a “natural” substance found in
         in a study titled “Therapeutic Affect of Taurine  the earth’s crust, air, soil and water, but it does not have any biological
         Against Aluminum-Induced Impairment on  function in any living organism, and it presents a danger to all living
         Learning, Memory and Brain Neurotransmit-  creatures, including human beings.
         ters in Rats,” published February 4, 2014 in the     As Hayes so poignantly said in her WAPF talk, “Together, we must
         journal Neurological Sciences. Vitamin E and  protect the health of our children, people of all ages, and the future of
         selenium have also been found to be protective  our country.” We must all be arbitrators of the truth. We must be our own
         against oxidative stress and injury stimulated  health advocates. We must do our homework and learn the facts about
         by excessive intake of aluminum.          aluminum and all vaccines. After all, our lives and those of our children
                                                   depend upon it.
         CONCLUSION                                REFERENCES
             Because scientific evidence published in   1.  Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the
         recent years shows that vaccines have great   rising prevalence of autism? J Inorg Biochem 2011;105(11):1489-1499.
         potential for causing brain and immune system   2.  Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: are they safe?
         injury, the only responsible actions are what   Curr Med Chem 2011;18(17):2630-2637.
         Hayes called for in her WAPF presentation—a   3.  Mihalovic D. Committees on vaccination found to withhold critical data
                                                      on adverse reactions from both parents and health practitioners. Prevent
         complete moratorium on vaccines, the repeal, Sept. 16, 2013.
         the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act   Committees-on-Vaccination-Found-To-Withhold-Critical-Data-On-
         (which protects vaccine manufacturers from all   Adverse%20Reactions-Parents-Practitioners.shtml.

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