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aluminum hydroxide and thimerosal. “Mercury every state, contain aluminum adjuvants. If parents follow the current,
Toxicity: Genetic Susceptibility and Synergistic out-of-control CDC-recommended vaccine schedule, their children will
Effects” describes Dr. Haley's findings: Cul- receive seventy doses of sixteen different vaccines by age eighteen, while
tured neurons showed a 10 percent cell death injecting a potential 4,925 mcg of accumulated aluminum by age eighteen
six hours after they were exposed to mercury months alone (Table 2). Because the FDA has only studied IV solutions
and aluminum separately, as compared to a and injectable medications containing aluminum (not vaccines), they
whopping 60 percent death rate when exposed cannot possibly be a reliable source to determine safe levels of aluminum
in combination. This clearly demonstrated the in vaccines. This said, the FDA does set limits on aluminum content in
synergistic toxicity of aluminum and mercury. parenteral drug products (again, not vaccines) and requires labels on
package inserts that state: “WARNING: This product contains aluminum
THE PRO-ALUMINUM ARGUMENT that may be toxic. Aluminum may reach toxic levels with prolonged par-
Adding insult to injury, prior to the danger- enteral administration if kidney function is impaired. Premature neonates
ously misleading 2011 Mitkus study, the FDA are particularly at risk because their kidneys are immature, and they
admitted they allowed the use of aluminum require large amounts of calcium and phosphate solutions, which contain
adjuvants in vaccines simply because they “as- aluminum.” The FDA also states, “Research indicates that patients with
sumed” they were safe. The most prominent impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive
pro-vaccine, pro-aluminum safety argument injections greater than 4 to 5 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day,
you will hear involves the amount of toxic ma- accumulate at levels associated with central nervous system and bone
terials in vaccines. According to its website, the toxicity.”
FDA claims the amount of aluminum present The FDA, however, does not require labels on vaccines warning
in vaccines is low, therefore not harmful. They about the dangers of aluminum toxicity. Do the math, and you’ll find
defend the use of aluminum in vaccines, stating that a twelve-pound baby at two months of age could potentially receive
that it is one of the most common metals found 1,225 mcg of aluminum at their well-baby visit if the commonly used,
in nature and we get much more aluminum highest-aluminum brands of vaccines are administered along with the
exposure from our air, food and water than hepatitis B vaccine. As Neil Z. Miller demonstrates in his paper titled:
we do from vaccines. Therefore, the amount “Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe,” published November 4,
of aluminum in vaccines is not dangerous.
This reasoning however, is far from scientific,
because the aluminum found naturally in the
earth’s crust is tightly bound to other elements, TABLE 2
making it inert and not bioavailable. The differ-
ent routes of entry are not interchangeable for
assessing toxic impacts. Inhaling and ingesting
aluminum are not the same as injecting it. Alu-
minum injected via vaccination bypasses the
protective barriers of the gastrointestinal tract
and mucous membranes, entering directly into
the muscle where it can enter the bloodstream
and lymph, thus redistributing and accumulat-
ing in the bones, lungs and brain. It is absurd to
assume that injected aluminum is safe because
it is introduced in lesser quantity than say, in-
gested aluminum, 99.7 percent of which is not
absorbed by the body.
The lack of FDA safety standards is par- Babies are injected with 1,225 mcg of aluminum instantaneously at 2
ticularly disturbing if you consider that the months of age and 4,925 mcg of accumulative aluminum by 18 months
majority of early childhood vaccines, which of age. Source: The vaccine manufacturers’ product inserts and the
are given at birth and mandated for school in CDC’s 2016 childhood vaccination schedule. © NZM.
96 Wise Traditions SPRING 2018