Page 104 - Spring2018
P. 104
A Campaign for Real Milk
By Jennifer Grafiada
Those of us who regularly enjoy delicious, great way to find connections and information
cream-topped raw milk at home know that it can on local laws. Those planning to travel also can
be problematic to keep the good stuff in supply contact the WAPF chapter leader in the destina-
when traveling to another state. Because every tion area. (Chapter leader contact information is
U.S. state sets its own laws on the selling of raw listed in the back of the Wise Traditions journal
milk to the public, those who want to continue and at
drinking raw milk during a visit to another state Ideally, one should start researching avail-
must do some research beforehand. able options a couple of weeks before the travel
Fortunately, it is now possible to obtain raw date, as it may be necessary to place calls or
milk in forty-three out of fifty states, largely exchange emails with the milk supplier and
thanks to the tireless work of the Weston A. arrange a pick-up date or time. It is frequently
Price Foundation (WAPF) and the Farm-to- the case that milk is sold only one day a week
Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF). at a market or during specific hours at a farm,
The seven remaining states may soon join the or the supplier might only come into town on a
A Campaign rest of the country, with new legislation be- predetermined day. Travelers who let suppliers
for Real Milk ing introduced each year. At, know what their travel schedule is may be able
is a project of which is managed by WAPF, consumers can to make special arrangements as needed.
the Weston A. find a summary of current laws and listings of Of course, raw milk is not always easy to
milk providers in every state as well as several obtain even in states where it is legal. Some
Price other countries. It is advisable to check back states only legally allow suppliers to provide
Foundation. frequently for updates. milk to members of a cowshare or herdshare, in
To obtain which case the milk supplier may not be able to
some of our PLANNING AHEAD sell directly to out-of-state visitors. Other states
In addition to, there are may have restrictions that technically allow milk
informative other resources for finding local raw milk in to be sold only for pets. Make sure to stock up
Real Milk advance of a planned vacation. For example, on some milk for little Fido; it’s good for him,
brochures, the Farm and Garden section of your local too! Or it might be necessary to be flexible and
contact the Craigslist ( is an excellent way drink goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk during
Foundation at to find sources that would not otherwise be ad- the vacation week (or vice versa, if goat milk is
(202) vertised. Just type “milk” in the search bar and the usual drink of choice).
363-4394. see what comes up. Another website that lists For those who are traveling to one of the
milk sources is Additionally, seven states that do not currently allow the sale
Check out our the Facebook group for WAPF members is a of raw milk (Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisi-
for additional •
information •
and sources •
of Real Milk • The Weston A. Price Foundation Members Group on Facebook
products. • Farmers markets and farm stands
102 Wise Traditions SPRING 2018