Page 106 - Spring2018
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added stresses to the system. However, some   For those of us who understand the many benefits that raw milk can
         individuals may be unsuccessful in finding a  offer us and our families, or who have infants who rely on the Weston
         raw milk source in advance of their vacation.  A. Price Foundation infant formula alternative, going out of our way to
         Those who want to avoid the pasteurized version  obtain raw milk when sojourning in another state is well worth the effort.
         can consider trying a milk alternative (almond  Driving long distances, paying a little extra or dragging the family along
         milk or coconut milk are preferable to soy).  on a muddy-shoes, backroads farm tour seems worthwhile after taking
         Drinking kombucha, kefir and other yogurt  a swig of cold, fresh milk from a glass jar. The storebought stuff can’t
         drinks is another way to maintain beneficial  compare, and we know it!
         bacteria while traveling. Raw milk cheeses are   Hopefully, with the continued efforts of the Weston A. Price Founda-
         also often available in specialty stores and they  tion and A Campaign for Real Milk, there will soon come a time when
         also travel well.                         raw milk is much easier and simpler to obtain. In Europe, for example,
            Note that prices may vary drastically from  vending machines dispense raw milk at the push of a button! There are
         state to state. For example, in southern Oregon  over one thousand three hundred raw milk vending machines in Italy
         where I live, I pay six dollars a gallon for amaz-  alone.  In the meantime, while at home or on vacation, doing what we
         ingly fresh, cream-topped raw milk (and often  can to spread the message that raw milk is a healthy and not a dangerous
         have it delivered!). In neighboring California,  food will help bring back the days when raw milk, or rather real milk,
         where one can find raw milk in many stores,  was the norm and not the exception.
         visitors may find themselves shelling out sixteen
         dollars a gallon. The difference can be explained   Jennifer Grafiada is a nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP), writer and
         by the fact that I get mine from a lady up the   Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader based in southern Oregon.
         road. There is no middleman and no regulatory   You can find her at
         interference. In California, raw milk is more
         readily available to the public, but the milk is   REFERENCES
                                                   1.  “Raw milk machines are everywhere in Europe, why not USA?” https://www.
         FDA-tested and must be shipped, stored and
         properly packaged.                          not-in-the-usa-and-canada/.

             A long-term goal of the Weston A. Price Foundation has been the establishment of legal access to raw milk in all fifty
         states. When the WAPF project, A Campaign for Real Milk, started in 1999, the sale or distribution of raw milk was legal
         in twenty-seven states; today that number stands at forty-three. The only states that still prohibit any form of raw milk sales
         or distribution are Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Nevada, New Jersey and Rhode Island. Recognizing that the day of
         legal access to raw milk is getting closer, WAPF has embarked on a drive to help legalize raw milk sales and distribution in
         the remaining seven states.
             A Campaign for Real Milk will be devoting more resources to support legalization efforts; this could be through paying
         a lobbyist, paying for experts to testify at hearings, paying for expenses of WAPF members working on legislation, consulting
         on legislation, networking with other groups or organizations or helping with the drafting of raw milk bills. Legal raw milk
         access can be established through regulation, court decision, legislation or policy. A Campaign for Real Milk will focus on
                                                  legalization primarily through legislative and policy work.
                                                    The main goal of A Campaign for Real Milk will be to legalize raw milk
                                                  sales or distribution in the remaining seven states, but the campaign will also
                                                  support efforts to expand raw milk access in the other forty-three states;
                                                  in some of those states, access is very limited at this time. The campaign
                                                  also supports work to legalize access to other raw dairy products such as
                                                  cream, butter, yogurt, kefir and cheese. These products, other than raw
                                                  cheese aged sixty days, are legally available only in a minority of states.
                                                  The drive for expanded raw dairy access could include efforts to legalize
                                                  the commercial sale of raw butter and unaged raw cheese. Most states
                                                  only allow the sale of raw milk and raw milk products directly from the
                                                  producer to the consumer at this time.
                                                    A Campaign for Real Milk has set a goal of legalizing raw milk access in
                                                  all fifty states by 2020. WAPF, long the leading raw milk advocacy group
                                                  in the country, is excited to step up efforts to make this happen.

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