Page 27 - Summer2008
P. 27

ing, very few medical schools and very little  ease,” which was believed to be “self-healing.”   Calomel was
          “standardized care,” meaning that everyone had a  According to Coulter, “The mercurial disease
          choice of which kind of doctor to engage. Then as  itself sometimes got out of hand, however, and   often found
          now, those therapies with a chemical basis (such  remedies were then sought for it, such as general  in teething
          as calomel) were more costly than herbal or ho-  and local bloodletting, saline cathartics, sulphur,   powders
          meopathic remedies, so those doctors practicing  [and] iodine.”
          “heroic medicine” were mainly concentrated in     The doses of calomel at the time were at   and given
          the cities and towns where people with money  least 6-10 grains, the equivalent to 389-650 mg  regularly to
          and wealth tended to live.                of mercury, thousands of times higher than what   children.
               Rush continued to be vocal in his support  the EPA currently recognizes as the “safe” limit
          for heroic doses of calomel for “virtually every  of mercury ingestion. During the 19th century,   Mercury-
          disease,” and calomel became the remedy of  calomel was given in even higher doses than  containing

          choice for practitioners of what became known as  those prescribed by Rush. One doctor in New   powders
          “heroic medicine.”  John Eberle, whose 1822-23  Orleans was known to have given 60 grains of
          Treatise of the Materia Medica and Therapeutics  calomel per dose (as opposed to Rush’s 10 grains)   compounded
          inuenced many students and practitioners of  to children during the epidemics of yellow fever,  with chalk

          heroic medicine, said, “of all the articles of the  cholera and diphtheria. Other physicians were   were given to
          materia medica, calomel is undoubtedly the most  known to have prescribed 80 grain or even 120
          important, whether we consider it in relation to its  grain doses or about 3-4 ounces of calomel.   children with
          purgative operation, or to its more extensive and     Moreover, calomel was often found in  indigestion

          specic inuence upon the animal economy.” 34  teething powders and given regularly to children.   or vomiting.
               Despite criticism from many of his col-  Mercury-containing powders compounded with
          leagues,  Benjamin  Rush’s  treatment  using  chalk were given to children with indigestion or
          “enormous” doses of calomel and jalap during  vomiting. For respiratory illnesses such as cough,
          the Yellow Fever Epidemic in 1793 became the  diphtheria and ulcerations in the mouth and throat
          standard prescription as a “panacea” for whatever  caused by syphilis, physicians exposed patients
          ailed: “When a practitioner was puzzled about the  to vapors of mercury, known now to be the most
          administration of any medicine in a disease, it  toxic form of exposure. Calomel was even used
          was deemed perfectly proper for him to prescribe  to  ght intestinal worms, as it was believed the
          a dose of calomel. . . Many physicians believed  strong purges would force the worms out of the
          that the omission of calomel in desperate cases  intestines.
          was tantamount to abandoning the patient without     Even Abraham Lincoln suffered from the
          a nal saving effort. . . Most regularly trained  effects of mercury. In 1858 he began to show

          physicians used these standardized therapies  signs of mental instability—he would become
          almost exclusively, even though textbooks on  enraged, he was melancholic, and he was getting
          therapeutics contained hundreds of alternatives.  into  ghts. His “outbursts of rage and bizarre be-
          . . Heroic medicine became normative, and those  havior,” however, were most likely a result of the
          physicians who did not conform were chastised  “blue mass pills,” given freely as an antidepres-
          by their colleagues.” 35                  sant in the 1800s. According to Wayne Bethard,
               Rothstein goes on to say, “The average  these little blue pills “contained mercury, honey,

          graduate (of medical school in the rst half of  rose water, licorice root and rose petals; recent
          the 19th century) was often completely ignorant  research using a typical 19th century recipe for
          of medical practice” and as a result they relied  the blue pills showed that each pill contains over
          upon their “panaceas.” 36                 3000 times the amount of maximum daily mer-
               Physicians rationalized the use of calomel  cury exposure recommended by the EPA.”  38
          with two different approaches. First, it cured      Fortunately, Mr. Lincoln stopped taking
          disease because of its powers as a purgative  the pills within days of beginning them, once he
          and therefore took away the “materies morbid”  realized that they were causing the outbursts.
          from the intestines. Second, it had the power to
          change a person’s disease into a “mercurial dis-

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