Page 32 - Summer2008
P. 32

“Harper’s Monthly stated in 1856 that the      Much of the dental industry still uses
                              youth of this country were ‘a pale, pasty-faced,  dental amalgams and chastises those dentists
                              narrow-chested, spinkle-shanked, dwarfed race.’  who speak out publicly against them. Some
                              In 1856 the War Department published the results  dentists opposing amalgams lost their licenses
                              of its examination of recruits during the Mexican  in the process, in the same way as those physi-
                              War: American volunteers weighed less than  cians who spoke out against calomel back in
                              European or English recruits, and there were  the 19th century. Parents who protest the use of
                              nearly twice as many rejections of Americans  thimerosal in vaccines are considered paranoid

                              for being ‘too slender, and not sufciently robust’  by the manufacturers of vaccines as well as by
                              or for ‘malformed and contracted chests.’ Worst  government of cials, even as the same of cials
                              off, however, were the women. Thomas Went-  formally urge vaccine manufacturers to remove
                              worth Higginson wrote in 1861: ‘In this country  thimerosal from the vaccines.
                              it is scarcely an exaggeration to say that every
                              man grows to maturity surrounded by a circle  GENERATION AFTER GENERATION

                              of invalid relatives, that he later nds himself     With the use of calomel continuing on
                              the husband of an invalid wife and the parent  well into the twentieth century, in conjunction
                              of invalid daughters, and that he comes at last  with amalgam  llings, heavy metal vaccines,
                              to regard invalidism. . . the normal condition of  and industrial practices spewing mercury into
                              that sex—as if Almighty God did not know how  the environment, is it any wonder that we are
                              to create a woman.’                        a toxic society with epidemic rates of autism,
                                   “Calomel was well known to cause de-  cancer, ADD, ADHD and chronic illness? Could
                              terioration of the teeth, and Higginson states:  it be that Americans have never really had a
                              ‘Perhaps the most universal symptom of this  break from all that mercury and that for most
                              physical decay was the condition of America’s  of us, the effects of mercury have literally been
                              teeth; one seldom talked to a dentist, it was af-  passed down from generation to generation, from

                              rmed, who did not despair of the republic.’ It  mother to child, accumulating to the breaking
                              is probably true that the toothlessness of many  point?
                              Americans was due to the doses of calomel they     How have we come to the point where one
                              received from infancy, and this medication was  in 94 boys in America has received the diagnosis
                              doubtless responsible also for many of the other  of autism? Science shows that mercury crosses
                              ills described.’” 62                       the placental barrier between mother and fetus,
                                   So how was it that calomel ultimately fell  which is why pregnant women are cautioned

                              out of favor as a cure-all medicine? Did physi-  against eating certain types of sh (although they

                              cians nally “see the light” regarding the painful  are not counseled against getting  u vaccines or
                              and disguring effects of calomel usage, or was  amalgam  llings).

                              there another reason?                           On top of all of this, most Americans eat
                                   Certainly  antibiotics,  diagnostic  tech-  the Standard American Diet (SAD) and depend
                              niques, advances in pathology, a better under-  largely on processed, rened, empty foods that

                              standing of human physiology, and higher prots  impair their ability to eliminate mercury from
                              from synthetic drugs or extracts have all played a  their tissues.  This means that Americans are
                              role in the demise of calomel as a medicine. The  parenting children who not only come into the
         Mercury in its       reality is that thousands of people are still injured  world with generations of mercury accumulation
            many forms        or killed every year from pharmaceutical prepa-  in their tissues, but who then, with their cereals
               is but one     rations, according to industry-sponsored studies  and baby formulas and pasteurized milk from
                              published in both the Journal of the American  antibiotic-laden feedlot cows, have no way of
             debilitating     Medical  Association  and  the  New  England  ridding their bodies of the heavy metal.
               and lethal     Journal of Medicine.  There are simply newer,     Mercury in its many forms is but one
            toxin in our      more expensive drugs that have taken the place  debilitating and lethal toxin in our environ-
                              of calomel, drugs which manifest their effects in  ment. One hopes that its use in industry will be
          environment.        more subtle ways than those of calomel.    restricted and even banned in the years to come
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