Page 109 - Summer2009
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                Healthy Products                   Healthy Products                          Services
          BEEF, ALL NATURAL grassfed Texas Longhorn.   salts, seaweeds; pure supplements: herbal   REMODELING. Michael’s Remodeling, kitchen
          Heat/serve beef shipped in 28oz cans, case   extracts; natural soaps: ceremonial herbs; and   and bath design, basements, kitchens, decks.
          of 12. Buy direct save with 50lb. box grind.   more nourishing, earth-honoring products   Serving Northern Virginia for 17 years. Michael
          Halves cut/wrapped. Jerkey, hot dogs, summer   to vitalize your health and well-being! www.  Meredith (703) 764-956, Michaelsremodeling.
          sausage, beef sticks. certified Texas Longhorn - 1.888.846.6412 - magic@  com     10/3
          Beef, 35000 Muskrat, Barnesville, Ohio 43713, 10/2
          phone (740) 758-5050,
                                       10/4                                            Investors Needed
                                             MAGNETICO SLEEP PADS renew your energy
          BUTTER AND CHEESE - Nutrient rich summer   while sleeping. Developed by Dr. Dean Bonlie,   INVESTORS NEEDED. Next Level Productions is
          gold butter and cheese from PastureLand Co-  MagnetiCo is the only magnetic sleep pad   seeking investors to complete its documentary
          operative. Our products are made from the milk   backed by ten years of scientific research and   film “Body Armor.” The film follows the journey
          of 100% grass-fed cows grazing certified organic   designed to deliver the correct negative mag-  of individuals with chronic illnesses as they
          pastures in southeastern Minnesota. Shipping   netic field to the body. Six-month satisfaction   explore natural medicine and alternative thera-
          available. Call (888) 331.9115 for more informa-  guarantee. Call Dr. Dave Morris at cell (559)   pies. Contact Gabe Golden. (310) 779-2816,
          tion. 10/4   760-7618 for info. & clinical results. 10/4    *10/4

          CERTIFIED, ORGANIC, SOY-FREE dairy, raw   NATURAL PRODUCTS. Life Energy Store: Nour-  Educational Materials
          milk cheese, cultured butter, cream, yogurt,   ish your body, heart & spirit. Delicious nutritious   ARTICLES NEEDED. NATIONAL DIRECTORY of
          cottage cheese, colostrum. Also full line of   foods: pure chocolates, coconut, mesquite,   organic food sources and other natural Health
          grass-fed beef, pastured chicken, turkey and                           Products needs articles, new releases, recipes,
          free-range eggs. Raw honey, maple syrup, and   agave, salts. Additive-free supplements. Natural
          extra virgin organic coconut oil also available.   soaps. More nourishing, earth honoring, heal-  and information about your products and ser-
          Will Ship. Grazin Acres LLC (608) 727-2632   ing products to vitalize your vibrant health and   vices for further issues. Advertising available.
          located 1 hr NW of Madison.       10/3  well-being! www.LifeEnergyStore. com (888)   Sample $3. Buffalo Creek Publications, PO Box
                                             846-6412    10/2  397, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314.     *10/3
          COCONUT OIL. Nature’s Blessing - USDA
          certified organic. Discovered on my recent   NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS shipped anywhere   CURE FOR TOOTH DECAY. At last, the real truth
          trip to the Philippines, this oil is wonderful!  in USA. Bone broth (frozen), cultured veggies,   about your teeth. How to prevent and halt cavi-
          Coconuts are grown and processed on site   soaked nuts, coconut kefir, seasonal soups,   ties for life. Utilize the wisdom of Weston Price
          within 8 hours, cold-pressed. The oil is clear   kid-friendly snacks, granola all made with   and Melvin Page. Buy the book, Cure Tooth
          with a wonderful mild flavor. Carrie Hahn,  organic foods in accordance with WAPF ideals.   Decay! $29.95
          WAPF chapter leader (412) 531-4485.    10/3  Featured at the conference. www.Meanttobe-            *10/3
                                   ; (Seattle) (206) 604-1460.    10/4
          GARLIC. Organic & Chemical Free as Nature
          intended. Whole cloves or dehydrated pow-  ORGANIC, RAW SAUERKRAUT. Fresh, Raw, &   DVD of JOEL SALATIN. “Heal the Planet by Heal-
          der/chips. Erker Organic Farms, Burlington,  Alive! Gold Mine’s Fresh Organic Sauerkraut   ing Your Plate,” presented at the Florida launch
          CO. (719) 346-5026.          *10/3  is abundant in friendly, living micro-organ-  of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
                                             isms that are powerful aids to digestion and   August 2007. About 2.5 hours. $20 donation to
          LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, raw, certi-  assimilation. Independent lab tests show 7.8   local WAPF chapter, includes shipping to US.
          fied organic, locally grown. Dill pickles, sau-  million CFU’s of live lactobacillus and bifido-  Email    *10/3
          erkraut, kimchi, ginger carrots. Sold/Shipped   bacterium species per gram - that’s 468 million
          within Northeast only. See website for store list   per 1/4 cup serving! Aged in special ceramic
          and mail order info. Contact: Real Pickles, PO   crocs that allow the growth of friendly flora in
          Box 40, Montague, MA 01351, (413) 863-9063,   a safe environment, Gold Mine’s sauerkraut is
,    - according to the most discriminating “kraut
                                       11/1  connoisseurs” - absolutely delicious! Featured
                                             at the annual Conference of the Weston A. Price
          LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, cultured,  Foundation 2004-2007. (800) 475-3663 or go to
          100% organic, by Immunitrition. Three deli- 10/3*
          cious, raw blends − Garden, Sea & Sunshine.
          Ships throughout USA via UPS. Available in 32  SPELT. Organically grown. Traditional Oberkul-
          oz. jars or try our Cultured Veggie Taste Tester   mer Variety. Our spelt is grown by a certified
          with bonus pumpkin oil & sea salt. (877) 773-  organic farmer. We ship anywhere in the US.
          9229,    10/3  We sell by the pound. Contact the Plain Grain
                                             Co. LLC for details: www.carasmaternalcon-
          LIFE ENERGY STORE: Nourish your body,, cara@carasmaternalconnec-
          heart & spirit! delicious nutritious foods: dark (248) 628-8646 (paypal accepted).
          chocolates, coconut oil, flour and butter, sea                  11/2

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