Page 110 - Summer2009
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

            Farming/Wapf Lifestyle             Farming/Wapf Lifestyle                    Healing Arts
         COLORADO  FARM seeks 2009 interns for   TN BED & BREAKFAST. Spend your next vacation   ANCIENT TRADITIONAL HEALING WAYS. Awak-
         minimum three months. Live at Sunrise Ranch   on a working farm, LaBelle Acres in Jamestown,   en vibrant health and well being in body, mind
         and learn about raising nutrient-dense foods,   TN. Guests are welcome to fish in the ponds,   and spirit with extraordinary ancient teachings
         leadership and community building. Raise   fight chickens for eggs, or just sit on the porch   and effective self-empowering tools. Holistic
         produce and grass-fed beef in the foothills of   rocker. Breakfast foods are supplied, guests are   counseling, energy healings, retreats. Discount
         the Rockies. Visit   welcome to prepare them when they desire.   for WAPF members. JoAnne Dodgson EdD,
         or call (970) 679-4330.        10/3  For more information, call (931) 863-5594, (888) 846-6412,
                                            or or http://www.     10/2
         DAIRY BUSINESS for sale in Southeast. Loyal
         customer base. 8 milking Jerseys, heifers, bull,   labelle-acres. html.          11/1  HOLISTIC HEALTH COUNSELING for women
         milking equipment to supply 135 families                               & families. Discover vibrant health with an
         weekly. $40,000. Also 8 milking goats, 5 doe   TN FARM FOR SALE 12+ acres with 21 more   integrative approach to wellness. Get inspired
         lings, buck, milking equipment to supply   available. 2600 sq ft 7-bed/4-bath house with   to: make an easy transition to traditional foods,
         40 families weekly, $7,800. We will help you   24-panel solar power system, new energy ef-  heal naturally, and make gradual changes to
         through transition. 23 acres sustainable farm,   ficient windows/insulation. On crystal-clear   improve your health and your children’s health.
         barn, outbuildings, creek, 5-bedroom off-grid   Cane Creek with fishing/swimming, located in   At last, find the way of eating and living that re-
         home, $260,000.    10/3  Mennonite farming area, friendly neighbors   ally works for your body and your life! Try a FREE
                                            with lots of farming experience. Large new   phone session or sign up for our free monthly
         DAIRYMAID/MAN WANTED in the tropics!   metal barn, 60x40 workshop building, organic   e-newsletter. Hannah Springer, MS, CHHC (718)
         Live-in work trade on small farm in rural Ha-  garden, crop fields, pastures, fruit trees, rota-  490-2839,
         waii. Milk cow and goats, make cheese and   tional-grazing field fencing. $289,000. More           11/1
         garden in exchange for your own rustic solar   info and photos:
         living space and a share in all the great food.   htm. Call(931) 593-3113 *10/4  HOLISTIC Lifestyle Coaching and High-Tech
         Est. 15-20 hours per week, couples ok. Beauti-                         Meditation Programs. Free trial coaching
         ful area near ocean, fun, eclectic, ‘alternative’   VERMONT FARM seeks 2009 apprentices. We   session! Discover personal power and new
         neighborhood. Horse lover a plus, great artist   integrate American Milking Devon cattle, pigs and   ways to grow with a dedicated listener and
         retreat. Long term is ideal, will help you learn.   chickens with growing and fermenting six tons of   creative partner (CTA Certified, ICF Member).
         Open and accepting attitude. 808-640-6080 or   vegetables. Our grain-free cows support raw milk   Convenient telephone or email appointments.        10/4*   sales plus butter and cheese making. We focus on”     10/4
                                            selling nutrient-dense foods while eating well our-
         FARMSTEAD FRESH INC. is soliciting investors   selves! Learning opportunities include milking, bio-  HOMEOPATHIC Care for Babies and Children.
         to help with business expansion. The business   dynamics, natural livestock care. Positions available   Join the Kairos Network Homeopathic Study
         is known for training sustainable dairy farmers   April to November, short and long term. Cabins, food,   Group. Member of WAPF, NCH, HEAR, and the
         in making gourmet quality ‘One Step Above   laundry, Internet access and lots of education. Call   Catskill Medicine Wheel. Low cost, effective,
         Organic’ grass fed raw milk cheese, and market-  Doug Flack, (802) 933-7752, Flack Family Farm,   very useful for self-care and home prescribing.
         ing it. Web site; Snailmail please.    Tutoring by mail for Study Group members
                                      10/3                                10/4  only. Beginners welcome. Make this part of
                                                                                your prepared parenting program. Send SASE
         ORGANIC, LOCAL FOOD BASED CAFÉ for lease   Zimbabwean Farmer seeks to become involved   to: Liz Potter, 321 Wahl Road, Livingston Manor,
         in Carlisle PA. Great opportunity for a skilled   in Biological/Organic Farming, either as a   NY 12758. 11/1
         Weston Price oriented team. Complete green   farmer or in the support sector or in research.
         facility, turn key operation. Large network of   I would be happy to send my C.V.(Resume) to   LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS is a handy and
         local producers provide beef, chicken, dairy   the appropriate person. Please contact David   valuable window on the state of health or
         and eggs. take a look www.thegoodlifecafe.  Hartley by e-mail: chacmachacma@yahoo.  disease. This procedure has a powerful moti-
         com Call David at (717) 243 4968    *10/4  com 10/3                    vating effect to help others improve their diets
                                                                                emphasizing the principles of Weston Price.
         SAWSOMME (SAW-SOM-ME): Sunshine - Air                                  Have microscope, will travel. Contact Karen
         - Water - Soil - Ocean - Minerals - Microbes   SPRINGTIME and man’s fancy turns towards?   Myer, ND, at (262) 522-9993 10/4
         - Energies. Properly balances life’s precious   Outdoor activities, organic fruit, free range
         benefits. All are needed in agriculture to start,   chicken and of course Love! Single male 46   OSTEOARTHRITIS? Effective all natural relief of
         nurture and sustain life’s requirements. SASE.   seeking single female 25-45, who holds the   Osteoarthritis. Try risk free for 60 days. Made
         Ed Heine, 14N446 Hwy 20, Hampshire, IL 60140.   values of Weston Price in high regards. Chica-  from natural ingredients with no side effects.
         (847) 464-5987.             *10/1  goland area but willing to travel. timmyd4@  Helps rebuild joint cartilage. Eases pain of Os-
                                   (630)350-1937.       10/4  teoarthritis. Visit www.arthritisCure.nd or call
                                                                                (888)848-8994 11/1
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