Page 114 - Summer2009
P. 114

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                                                    Natural Foods

                        Blue Mountain Organics™
                        offers an exciting array of
                        raw, sprouted, superfoods.
                         From The Raw Bakery™
                         try our raw, organic
                          brownies, cookies,   minerals, and nutrients in our nuts, seeds, and
                          macaroons, snack   grains. Try any of our products and you’ll see
                           bars, and more. Our   why our unique process yields an extremely
           Better Than Roasted™ product line offers a wide   fresh, easier to digest, sweet and flavorful
           variety of high quality raw, sprouted nuts, seeds,   product, tastier and more pure than any other
           nut butters, trail mixes, and love bites. All of   nuts, seeds, grains or sweet treats on the
           our nuts, seeds, and grains have gone   market.
           through our Better Than Roasted™
           process, which means they have            R AW
           been soaked, sprouted, and
           dehydrated. Our Better Than              V E G A N
           Roasted™ process increases the             Kosher and vegan.  Gluten-free.
           bioavailability of essential vitamins,                    10/3
           To place an order, call (540) 745-5040  •  Or for more information, visit



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