Page 35 - Summer2009
P. 35

FRQYHQWLRQDO DSSURDFK LV WKH IDFW WKDW WKH VSHFL¿F     Six years later, the Wall Street Journal published this scandalous
          brand usually recommended and prescribed is  story and Boots was forced to go ahead and allow the publication of the
          Synthroid. In the 1990s, the company manufac-  article. But to this day, due to physician loyalty from years of “wining
          turing Synthroid commissioned University of  DQG GLQLQJ ´ 6\QWKURLG LV VWLOO RQH RI WKH WRS WZR WK\UR[LQH  7   SURGXFWV
          California at the San Francisco Medical School  in sales in the U.S., despite costing a lot more. The other top seller now
          to carry out tests on the biological consistency of  is Levoxyl, which won the three-way comparison test. This story is one
          the product and publish the results on the three  egregious example of the business collaboration between pharmaceutical
          VDOHV OHDGLQJ 7  EUDQGV DW WKDW WLPH  6\QWKURLG   companies, on the one hand, and physicians, medical journals and medical
          Levoxyl, and Levothroid. It would appear that  schools, on the other, which is in place to serve the interests of these three
          %RRWV  6\QWKURLG¶V PDQXIDFWXUHU  ZDV VR FRQ¿-  powerful parties at the expense of the patients and the public.
          dent that Synthroid would come out on top they     The series of companies that have owned the Synthroid brand at vari-
          were willing to pay for this research. However,  ous times (Boots, Knowles and now Abbott Labs) has also been heavily
          when Synthroid only came in third, it turned out  LQYROYHG LQ WKH FDPSDLJQ WR JHW 7  RQO\ DV WKH RQO\ DFFHSWHG WUHDWPHQW
          WKDW WKH\ KDG QRW EHHQ VR FRQ¿GHQW  EXVLQHVV   for all forms of hypothyroidism, despite the fact that (1) the thyroid gland
          wise, that they had not made sure to include a  SURGXFHV 7  DV ZHOO DV 7       SDWLHQWV RQ 7  DQG 7  GR EHWWHU DQG DUH PXFK
          clause in the contract with UCSF stipulating that  PRUH VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKHLU WUHDWPHQW  DQG     WKUHH  RXW RI WKH IRXU W\SHV RI
          tion of the article! The Journal of the American  WKHUH LV QRW RQH VKUHG RI HYLGHQFH WKDW 7  7  FRPELQDWLRQ WUHDWPHQW²WKH
          Medical Association (JAMA) accepted the article  only, and very successful, type of treatment for hypothyroidism during the
          for publication but Boots put the kibosh on its  ¿UVW    \HDUV RI WKLV WKHUDS\  LQ WKH IRUP RI GHVLFFDWHG DQLPDO WK\URLG WLV-
          printing!                                 sue)—has any disadvantages when its use is understood and its monitoring

                                         TESTS FOR THYROID AND RELATED FUNCTIONS

            TEST                                        NORMAL   RANGE       COMMENTS

            Free-Thyroxine (T4), by Direct Dialysis method   0.8-2.7ng/dL   The only accurate T4 level
            Free Triiodothyronine (T3), by Tracer Dialysis   2.3-5.2ng/dL   The only accurate T3 level
                                                                         and the only true measure of thyroid function

            Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) serum level   0.3-2.5 mIU/L   A relative or indirect test,
                                                                          not definitive of thyroid function.
            Total Thyroxine (T4) serum level            4.0-12.0ug/dL   Inaccurate test of pre-hormone
            Free-Thyroxine (T4), non-dialysis method     0.7-1.8ng/dL   Less accurate than dialysis test
            Total Tri-Iodo-Thyronine (T3) serum level     100-240ng/dL   Inaccurate test for T3 activity
            Free Triiodothyronine (T3), Non-dialysis method   2.3-5.2ng/dL   Less accurate than dialysis test
            T3  Resin Uptake                            25-39%        Primitive,  inaccurate T3  test
            T7 or Free Thyroxine Index/ FTI (T3U x T4 level)   1.0-4.0     Slightly better than T3U test
            Microsomal TPO Antibodies Titer             <35 units

            Organic (Protein-bound) Iodine level        8.0-16.0      The only level that is necessary
            Inorganic Iodide level                      1.0-4.0       Valuable if too high, indication to avoid
                                                                          inorganic iodine (iodide)
            Total Iodine level                          9.0-20.0      Mixed conglomeration of the 2

            Selenium serum level                        140-280       Normal level needed
            Zinc level                                  70-150        Normal level needed
            Copper level                                70-150        Make sure not too high
            Mercury level                               <5            Make sure not too high
            Aluminum level                              <7            Make sure not too high

            Note: I treat metal and mineral toxicities with with oral chelation pills, available from supplement companies.

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