Page 36 - Summer2009
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is accurate. The companies making the other two  QR EHQH¿W  +RZHYHU  WKHVH VWXG\ SDWLHQWV¶ 7
                              brand names, Levoxyl (King Pharmaceuticals,  DQG 7  VHUXP OHYHOV ZHUH HYHQ OHVV RSWLPL]HG
                              which also makes Cytomel, the leading T3-only  than those of the 33 patients in a 1999 paper by
                              brand) and Levothroid (Forest, which also makes  Bunevicius and others, published in the New
                              Armour Thyroid and Thyrolar, the natural and  England Journal of Medicine, which had found
                              V\QWKHWLF  UHVSHFWLYHO\  7  7  FRPER SURGXFWV    VLJQL¿FDQW EHQH¿WV —and which these newer
                              DUH QRW LQYROYHG LQ WKH 7  RQO\ FDPSDLJQ DV  papers were obviously intended to counteract.
                              WKH\ KDYH GLYHUVL¿HG WKHLU SRUWIROLRV WR LQFOXGH  In addition, the patients in the 1999 study often
                              T3-containing products. These have been both  ended up on a lower total daily intake of thyroid
                              been almost totally successful in keeping T3  ment.
                              DQG 7  7  FRPER SURGXFWV RXW RI PDQ\ RWKHU     Using patients with suboptimized serum T3
                              countries, including Australia, Israel and Spain  DQG 7  OHYHOV LV QR ZD\ WR WU\ WR SURYH WKH IXWLOLW\
                              (despite the Escobar-Morreale research team in  of T3 treatment—not only for primary hypothy-
                              Madrid, which showed that the addition of T3  roidism patients but even less so for patients who
                              WR WKH 7  WUHDWPHQW ZDV QHFHVVDU\ WR UHVWRUH WR  have one of the other types of hypothyroidism,
                              normal the brain function of rats whose thyroid  either as the sole cause of their hypothyroidism or
                              glands had been removed or destroyed). 21  as an additional cause of their total hypothyroid
                The best          In spite of the fact that neither Boots nor  picture. There is no way to justify withholding

              approach,       Knowles is in business any longer (at least under  the addition of T3 to secondary, tertiary and NTI
                              those names), due to public outcry, the medical  hypothyroidism patients, because in them the T3
              one I have      profession is still largely in the Synthroid camp  is the lower of the two thyroid hormones.
               used very      with regard to brand names—and has even al-     In these latter types of hypothyroidism there

             successfully     ORZHG LWV VFLHQWL¿F MXGJPHQW WR EH VNHZHG RQ  is a strong tendency for the free T3 level (deter-
                              WKH LVVXH RI 7  RQO\ WUHDWPHQW E\ WKLV SKDUPD  mined by the dialysis method) to lag behind the
          since 1989 in       industry giant.                            GLDO\VLV IUHH 7  OHYHO  GHWHUPLQHG E\ WKH GLDO\VLV
             over 5,000           :KHQ , ¿UVW VWDUWHG WUHDWLQJ K\SRWK\URLG-  method). This is partly because of the lack of
                patients,     ism, in 1989, there were several very bad generic  76+  ZKLFK GULYHV WKH FRQYHUVLRQ RI 7  WR 7
                              products on the market that produced inferior  but may also be due to peripheral interference
                does not      results and blood levels. That is no longer the  ZLWK WKH  ¶ GHLRGLQDVH HQ]\PH¶V FRQYHUVLRQ

          advocate any        case. This is one area where some praise for the  GHLRGLQDWLRQ RI 7  WR 7   ZKLFK RFFXUV LQ 17,
                       one    FDA is in order, though they went overboard in  hypothyroidism. It is telling that the Kaplan
                              banning Euthroid—and may go overboard again,  editorial indicated a marked note of despair that
            prescription      LQ D PXFK ZRUVH ZD\  EDQQLQJ DOO QRQ 7  RQO\  an ideal treatment for all the symptoms of hypo-

             medication       products, if Sidney Wolfe, MD, the misguided  thyroidism will ever be found! Considering the
            for all cases     Public Citizen advocate, attains a high enough  ÀDZHG DVVXPSWLRQV RQ ZKLFK WKH HGLWRULDO DQG
                              position in it to impose his view on the organiza-
                                                                         the articles were based, it is not at all surprising
             but has the      tion.                                      to me that optimal treatment is an elusive goal
                   goal of                                               to these researchers and opinion-makers!
                                                                            If practitioners would simply switch their
              optimizing      386+,1* 7+( 7  21/< $3352$&+                 focus from “optimizing” TSH to truly optimiz-
                              TO TREATMENT
                 the free         Toward the end of 2003 a rash of papers  LQJ WKH GLDO\VLV WHVWHG IUHH 7  DQG IUHH 7  VHUXP
            serum levels      appeared in the October issue of the Journal of  levels, they would achieve, as I have, this laud-
             of both the      Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, along  able goal in virtually all their patients!
                              with an editorial by Kaplan and others,  and an
                                                                            Fortunately, the pendulum has already
              T3 and T4       article in the December issue of the Journal of  started to swing back toward evidence for the
                  thyroid     the American Medical Association,  showing  HI¿FDF\ RI WKH DGGLWLRQ RI 7  WR 7  WUHDWPHQW  ,Q
              hormones.       WKDW WKH VXEVWLWXWLRQ RI 7  IRU VRPH RI WKH 7  LQ  2002, an “old guard” resister of the combination
                              7  RQO\ WUHDWHG K\SRWK\URLG SDWLHQWV SURGXFHG  approach, the same Anthony Toft who originally
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