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the Weston a. PriCe

                   Foundation        ®                   President’s Message
                Education  Research Activism

           Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President
           Kim Schuette, CN,Vice President
           Sarah Pope, Secretary                          The number one focus of the Weston A. Price Foundation
           Valerie Cury, Treasurer                    has always been children—how to optimize fertility, prepare for
           Tom Cowan, MD
           Cherie Calvert                             pregnancy, nourish the growing fetus and child, and provide the
           Leslie Manookian
           Phil Ridley                                kind of environment that children need to thrive.
                                                          This issue explores the subject of children's health, starting
            Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS                 with the importance of vitamin A for conception and fetal devel-
            Nicholas Gonzalez, MD
            Jerry Brunetti                            opment, focusing on restoring fertility to women living in a toxic
                                                      world, and providing guidance that can help you protect your child
           James Turner, Esq.                         from physical injury and EMR assault. This generation of children
          HONORARY BOARD                              is bearing the brunt of three generations of processed food and
           Jen Allbritton, BS, CN                     infertility is at an all-time high—truly we are in the eleventh hour,
           Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH
           Marie A. Bishop, CDC                       with not much time to turn things around.
           Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)
           Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD                   We are committed to providing our message to as many
           Lee Clifford, MS, CCN                      people and in as many ways as possible—through our journal,
           Christapher Cogswell, MA
           Monica Corrado                             our extensive website, our chapter system, through pamphlets and
           Janice Curtin                              flyers, through our new podcast and through videos and blogs.
           Katherine Czapp
           Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN                 Our yearly conference, legal actions, our shopping guide and our
           Maureen Diaz                               research efforts all contribute to this educational process. . . as you
           William Campbell Douglass, MD
           Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS                can see, our modest Foundation is doing a lot! And right now we
           James A. Duke, PhD
           Carol Esche, DNP, MA, RN, CAN              are feeling the pinch, with many irons in the fire but not enough
           Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD                      fuel.
           Ruth Ann Foster, MA
           Donna Gates, BS, Med                           That is why we have embarked on a fund-raising campaign
           Joann S. Grohman
           Suzanne Humphries, MD                      for the month of August. Our goal is to raise one hundred thousand
           Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA                   dollars to support our various programs. We need your help. Please
           Mark A. Kastel
           Fred Kummerow, PhD                         turn to page 84 where you will find an appeal letter and donation
           Felix Liao, DDS                            envelope. You can also donate at
           Sandrine Love
           Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon)               Have you or a loved one benefitted from the WAPF message?
           Judith McGeary, Esq.
           Carlos Monteiro                            Is there a vibrant healthy child in your family thanks to our advice?
           Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM             If so, we ask that you give in return to assist us in carrying out
           David Morris, BS, DC
           Jill Nienhiser, BS, MA                     our many programs. Please consider a minimum of twenty-five
           Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN               dollars—more if you are able. If all our members gave a donation,
           Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA
           Jessica Prentice                           however small, we would soon have enough to take care of our
           Bruce Rind, MD
           Sir Julian Rose, BT                        current short fall.
           Julia Ross, MA                                 Speaking of activities, our conference is right around the
           Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD
           Adrienne Samuels, PhD                      corner. The theme of Wise Traditions 2016 is Nutrition for All
           Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD                     Seasons of Life, with a plenary session dedicated to fertility and
           Andreas Schuld
           Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD          healthy children. We will have tracks on men's health, elder care,
           C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD
           Ted Spence, DDS, ND                        vaccinations, diabetes and weight loss, holistic dentistry as well as
           Alana Sugar, CN                            cooking, gardening and farming—there's something for everyone
           Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS
           John Umlauf                                at this year's conference. See page 14 for details. If you are willing
           Susun S. Weed
           David Wetzel, BS                           to distribute our conference postcard, let us know how many to
           Bruce West, DC                             send you. We look forward to seeing you there!
           Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND
           Will Winter, DVM
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