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    most of her capabilities after many  THIS AIN’T NORMAL FOLKS
            ending-free-parent-whooping-vaccine/  months even years of rehabilitation,     In the industry, Gardasil, Merck's
            story-e6frfku0-1226350174856) or vac-  although no cause was ever discovered.  HPV vaccine, is referred to as the
            cinating those around a newborn as     In her history, the article men-  “have-to-pay-for-Vioxx” vaccine. The
            the evidence showed it did not work.  tioned that she received a vaccine  company paid out seven billion dollars
            As with all issues the Weston A. Price  (meningococcal) less than two weeks  in liabilities for Vioxx, which killed
            Foundation addresses, we try to tell  before her initial symptoms began. I  somewhere between one hundred thou-
            you the truth according to the science,  found it odd that a potential correlation  sand and five hundred thousand people.
            not what a health official or other party  between the two was never considered.  They had to pull it off the market.
            with an ideological, political or finan-  Surely the timing alone, (severe neu-     The appeal of the HPV vaccine is
            cial interest might want you to know,  rological deficit following a vaccine)  that it is lucrative as well as liability-
            and this holds true for vaccines. We  should raise some suspicion. At the very  free. With more than seventy-five mil-
            encourage you to watch The Greater  least, this occurrence should have been  lion U.S. people between nine and
            Good (, check  reported to the federal vaccine adverse  twenty-six, this makes it a thirty-two
            out all the research on their website in  event reporting system. I wrote a letter  billion dollar market in the U.S. alone,
            their Catalogue of Science; also check  stating such to the editor of the medical  with a recurring annual revenue stream
            out the vaccination page for WAPF  journal. Did I receive a response? You  of about three billion dollars. To put this
            ( All  can probably guess the answer.  in perspective, Lipitor, Pfizer's mega
            these sources are fully referenced with                Rebecca Lord  blockbuster statin was pulling in five
            scientific literature you will not hear           Richmond, Virginia  billion dollars per year.
            about from health authorities or your                                    No liability for the manufacturers,
            local doctor. But that does not make  NO SCIENTIFIC BASIS?           means it is pure profit. Vaccines in gen-
            them any less true. Please also check     According  to  a  Time  Magazine  eral, and HPV vaccines in particular,
            out the new movie Vaxxed: From Cover  article (October 12, 2015), Frank DeSte-  are a huge untapped market for drug
            Up to Catastrophe (vaxxedthemovie.  fano, director of immunization safety  companies, especially as the market
            com), which documents the fraud and  at the Centers for Disease Control and  for other drugs is very saturated and
            cover up at the U.S. Centers for Disease  Prevention, claims that the immune  intensely competitive.
            Control  and  Prevention  regarding  system can handle up to one hundred     Quality control can be disposed of
            the vaccine-autism link. Vaxxed will  thousand vaccines at a time and that  as there is no liability. Vaccine manu-
            be shown at the WAPF Conference in  there is no scientific basis for a delayed  facturers do not have to do expensive,
            Montgomery, Alabama, November 12,  schedule. What is the “scientific basis”  long term, double-blind placebo stud-
            2016.                              for the one-hundred-thousand claim?  ies, and they do not have to take liability
                                               Where is the “evidence-based medi-  reserves (to reiterate, drug companies
            QUESTIONABLE                       cine”? Where are the gold standard  cannot be sued for vaccines). They
            VACCINE SAFETY                     placebo controlled, double blind studies  have huge marketing funds that drive
                As a practitioner of Western medi-  proving that number?         intense campaigns. These firms will
            cine I read medical journals frequently.     That number isn’t even “anecdot-  stop at nothing to meet their numbers,
            One recent article caught my attention.  al.” DeStefano just pulled it out of thin  including gagging scientists, arrest-
            It described a case study regarding an  air. Who is out to lunch? DeStefano or  ing researchers, getting publications
            unfortunate young woman who, despite  us? How does this claim get challenged?  yanked off PubMed, paying off the
            a previous record of excellent health,                  Robert Beem  CDC, blocking contrary journal articles
            suffered unexplained weakness, neu-     Center Harbor, New Hampshire  from publication, smearing reputations
            rological abnormalities, myalgias and                                of doctors, and far worse things.
            paralysis. Miraculously, she recovered                                   Parents need to understand the na-
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  5
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