Page 9 - summer2016
P. 9
I’ve been exposed to Dr. Price’s hear their counsel, because you know it Social Violence and Criminality, in
work through many different channels, comes from a place of hard-won truth. which he predicted that if we did not
but so far this podcast is my favorite. Timothy Gregg quit over-vaccinating we would have
It’s so enjoyable to listen as I commute, Bethesda, Maryland a dramatic increase in violence in our
and I come away with profound wisdom country. This book was reviewed in
about not only nutrition, but life as well. GUN VIOLENCE Wise Traditions, Spring 2013.
And it has exposed me to so many new I recently read an article about Janice Curtin
healing modalities! First it was beet gun violence in The Washington Post. Alexandria, Virginia
kvass, then raw milk, then liver pȃté—I What people don’t realize is that sixty
can’t wait to see what’s next! or seventy years ago some school stu- AYURVEDIC DIET
Months ago I was reading a book dents took guns to school, practiced at I have been looking into Ayurvedic
called Cure Tooth Decay, and some- recess and had shooting clubs. In my medicine and diet, and can report that
thing about the counsel therein really childhood many kids had guns, but we it is very much in line with WAPF
resonated with me, so thought I would had no violence. About the only thing principles, and not vegetarian.
research more into Weston A. Price. I remember kids getting in trouble for In Ayurvedic medicine, there is a
After a quick Google search, I found was swearing. So a look at history and procedure known as abhyanga (which
the WAPF website, poked around, science is needed. I can personally attest to the benefits
downloaded some PDFs, found my lo- Those puzzled about gun violence of) which is the “oiling of the body”
cal chapter and realized it was led by a should begin by reading the research of (massage oil into the body). Various oils
good family friend I grew up with! I got Drs. Weston A. Price and Francis Pot- are used to different effects, depending
in touch with Hilda Gore, who is also tenger. The implication of their research upon one's constitution and health con-
the host of the Wise Traditions podcast, for Western civilization—obsessed as dition. Interestingly, while traditional
and she invited me to a chapter meeting. it is with refined, highly sweetened Ayurveda recommends cured sesame
There I met Jesse Straight, a farmer convenience foods and lowfat items—is oil or coconut oil for this oiling, it also
trained by Joel Salatin, who came to profound. If we want to stop violence recommends ghee, and for people in
talk to us about life for his family and and poor health in our country, we need very poor health who may be suffer-
animals on his farm. I was impressed to return to the diet of our ancestors. ing from “wasting” or “dryness,” they
by his philosophy (“home should be In addition to a poor diet, we need recommend using lard or marrow fat!
the source of production, rather than to look into the effects of drugs for de- Also, they recommend against using all
consumption”), and eventually bought pression and attention deficit disorder. other vegetable oils (except coconut and
delicious eggs from him, and have been As investigative reporter Jon Rappaport sesame). It is claimed that when animal
invited to spend some time working at has written, every school shooter was fat is mixed with particular herbs, the
his farm to learn more about it. taking prescribed psychiatric drugs. animal fats act as much better carriers
Since last November, I’ve met These are known to have side effects than the vegetable oils, and they claim
many interesting people through this of violence and suicide. This is well that animal fat is more nourishing to
community, shared many delicious documented in the book Toxic Psy- the skin.
meals, gained improved health and chiatry by Dr. Peter Breggin. He asserts Although Ayurveda does have
started my own garden! that psychiatric drugs are spreading an a “vegetarian” lifestyle plan (which
I think that anyone who eats food epidemic of long-term brain damage probably evolved to cater to people's
can stand to gain from listening to the and mental illness. spiritual aspirations, rather than as a
Wise Traditions podcast. Each of the Vaccinations contain metals and regime for good health), it most cer-
guests on the show speaks from a place chemicals that disrupt important func- tainly is not vegan and advises copious
of such authority, and it’s a relief to tions in the body and brain. In 1990 amounts of ghee, milk, butter, curd,
Harris L. Coulter wrote Vaccination, yogurt and buttermilk, which they use
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 9