Page 11 - summer2016
P. 11
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
STRANGE LOGIC March 30, 2016). The contamination of conventional wine
In an effort to counter declining sales, the giant food pro- was twenty-eight times higher than organic wine, with
cessor Nestlé is interested in “tapping into an estimated $15 levels ranging from 0.659 ppb in organic to 18.74 ppb in
billion market for prescription-based powders and drinks conventional. The wines tested came from the Napa Valley,
intended to meet specific nutritional requirements to treat and Sonoma and Mendocino counties (where breast cancer
diseases.” Here’s how it works: you spend your life eating rates are 10-20 percent higher than the national average).
Nestlé’s food-like substances; Glyphosate residues turn
then you develop a disease up in wheat as well, even
that modern doctors seem un- though, like grapes, it is not
able to treat; then you try one a GMO crop—farmers use
of Nestlé’s food-like powders Roundup to desiccate wheat
or drinks available from your stalks just before harvest. In
doctor. The products “will have tests carried out by Tropical
active ingredients derived from Traditions (a private com-
food products or dietary ingredi- pany), conventional wheat
ents” but that does not mean they tested at 0.07-0.09 mg/kg
are food. Of course the solution while organic wheat tested
to avoiding and even treating only slightly lower at 0.03-
disease is to consume only real 0.06 mg/kg. (For a typical
food—real, nutrient-dense food, GMO crop such as soybeans
but there is no profit in such a the range is 3.3-5.7 mg/kg,
logical approach for Nestlé (Wall considerably higher.) The
Street Journal, April 13, 2016). point is, we can’t completely
avoid glyphosate, even if we
ONGOING DEBATE choose only organic food
The debate between vegetarians and beverages. Scientists in
and non-vegetarians is nothing Germany have found urine
new. Historic Forde Abbey has glyphosate residue at levels
two dining rooms. The second five times higher than the
was built around the year 1500 legal limit for drinking wa-
to separate the meat-eating ter in three-quarters of the
monks from the vegetarians, population. Apologists claim
who didn’t want to associate with those who ate animal foods that glyphosate is “quickly excreted in the urine and poses
(! no risk.” One small light on the horizon: the personal injury
lawyers have gotten into the act. Maybe the route to remov-
POISONED PLANET ing Roundup from general use is through the courts and not
It seems there is no escaping glyphosate, the main ingredient via government action.
in the herbicide Roundup. Deemed a probable carcinogen by
the World Health Organization, glyphosate–sprayed grains FIGHT CHRONIC DISEASE?
increase the rate of birth defects and stillborn babies in pigs. When an organization promoting “health” places a full-page
It can show up in irrigation water and drift from spraying. ad in The Washington Post, it pays to look a little deeper. The
A recent study found glyphosate in California wines, even Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD, FightChron-
wines made with organic grapes (, published a full-page letter to the presidential
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 11