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WiseTraditions 2016
seventeenth annual international conference of the
Weston a. price foundation ®
nUtRition FoR aLL SEaSonS oF LiFE
Friday, november 11 – monday, november 14
with special events on Thursday, November 10
Renaissance Montgomery Hotel
amERica’S PREmiER nUtRition conFEREncE
Life-changing Lectures • Cooking Lessons • Networking
Traditional Nutrient-Dense Meals • WAPF-Friendly Vendors • Wise Kids Program
For anyone interested in health, nutrition and food
including young & old, parents & grandparents, health professionals & health seekers.
Sandeep Agarwal, expert on ghee Richard Morris, author of A Life Unburdened
Carla Bartolucci, expert on einkorn wheat Ramiel Nagel, author of Cure Tooth Decay and Healing Our Children
Alvin E. Bey, expert on developing and managing chemical-free yards Frank Niceley, Tennessee state senator
Calvin F. Bey, expert on growing nutrient-dense vegetables Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD, author of Vaccine Illusion
Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), author of Vaccine-Free Prevention Daphne Olivier, LDN, RD, CDE, CLT, expert on metabolic disorders
Dean Bonlie, DDS, magnetism expert Alan Phillips, JD, leading vaccine rights attorney
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Laura Schoenfeld, RD, expert on adrenal health
Ann Childers, MD, expert on psychiatric care, sleep & metabolism management Pam Schoenfeld, RD, co-director Healthy Nation Coalition
Tom Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing Kim Schuette, CN, expert on nutritional & biotherapeutic drainage therapies
Hannah Crum, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on sulphur and vitamin D
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions Raymond Silkman, DDS, holistic dentist, dento-facial orthopedics
Ben Greenfield, fitness expert Lorie Stevens, DMD, holistic dentist
Will Harris, expert on humane animal husbandry & environmental sustainability Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise
Kim Rodriguez Hovey, RD, LDN, expert on elderly care Kim Thompson, RYT, movement instructor
Beth Lambert, author of A Compromised Generation Veronica Tilden, DO, expert on fertility and hormone health
Mandy Lee, NRT, author of How Our Family Survived Sandra Van Gilder, DPT, FAFS, creator of The Move Method
Celeste Longacre, author of Celeste’s Garden Delights Carrie Vitt,
Leslie Manookian, producer of The Greater Good movie Andrew Wakefield, MD, gastroenterologist and vaccine expert
Chris Masterjohn, PhD, expert on fat-soluble vitamins Cilla Whatcott, PhD, HD, RHom, CCH, author There Is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis
Leah McCullough, author of Freedom from Fibromyalgia Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
Kelly Moeggenborg, Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock
Ken Morehead, DOM, expert on musculo-skeletal disorders Jereme Zimmerman, author of Make Mead Like a Viking
Location and accommodation
The conference hotel is the Renaissance Montgomery Hotel; 201 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery, Alabama 36104.
Attendees are offered a special room rate of $139 per night (plus taxes and fees) until October 20, 2016 or until all rooms are
sold. This rate is for single through quad occupancy. To reserve your room use the code “WES” and phone (334) 481-5000 or
(800) 468-3571. Self parking is $12 per day; valet is $19.
SaVE UP to $50 in conFEREncE FEES iF YoU REGiStER BY SEPtEmBER 15th!
Children’s Program • Monday Guided Farm Visit • Continuing Education Units
For more information, call (540) 722-7104 or visit
PRE-conFEREncE and PoSt-conFEREncE actiVitiES
ThurSday, NoVemBer 10 moNday, NoVemBer 14
FundraISer reception and Will Winter: Guided Farm Visit Cilla Whatcott:
Food Freedom Program 6 – 9:30 pm Sandra Van Gilder: Support Immunity with the Perfect Disease Prevention
Adults $85/ Kids (12 or under) $60 Movement Workshop Kate Birch: Homeopathy for the Early Years
Carrie Vitt:
Laura Schoenfeld: Workshop on " Adrenal Fatigue" Nutrient-Dense Family Cooking
14 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions