Page 17 - summer2016
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Wise Traditions 2016

                                         montgomery Schedule

              SatURdaY noVEmBER 12 (Continued)
              Weight Loss/diabetes
                 09:00-10:30 Daphne Olivier, LDN, RD, CDE, CLT: Breaking Down the Nutrition of Diabetes
                 10:45-12:15 Richard Morris: Winning Strategies for Life-Long Weight Loss
                 01:45-03:00 Nina Teicholz: Fat, Your Best Friend for Weight Loss
                 03:15-04:30 Ann Childers, MD, FAPA: Stone Age Body, Space Age Diet

              06:30-10:00pm awards Banquet
                 Nina Teicholz: The Big Fat Surprise

              SUndaY noVEmBER 13
                 06:00- 06:45 Kim Thompson: Gentle Movement
                 07:00 -07:45 Kim Thompson: Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension

              track i: Elder care
                 09:00-10:20 Ken Morehead, MSOM : Aging Well with Vitality
                 10:30-11:50 Pam Schoenfeld, RD: Preventing Malnutrition in the Elderly
                 01:30-02:50 Kim Rodriguez Hovey, RD: A Dietitian's Experience in the Nursing Home
                 04:00-05:20 Sally Fallon Morell, MA: Our Seniors: Dumping Grounds for Drugs?
              track ii: men’s Health
                 09:00-10:20 Ben Greenfield: Fueling the Ancestral Athlete
                 10:30-11:50 Nina Teicholz: Red Meat and Warriors
                 01:30-02:50 Chris Masterjohn, PhD: Nourishing Testosterone
                 04:00-05:20 Veronica Tilden, DO: Treating Male Infertility
              track iii: dental
                 09:00-10:20 Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND: Mercury Amalgam Detoxification
                 10:30-11:50 Ramiel Nagel: Heal & Prevent Tooth Decay & Gum Disease the Natural Way, with Food
                 01:30-02:50 Raymond Silkman, DDS: Is It Mental, Or Is It Dental?
                 04:00-05:20 Lorie Stevens, DDS: Holistic Dentistry, Your Family's Dental Health: Extracting the Truth

              track iV: Vaccination
                 09:00-10:20 Leslie Manookian: Is Vaccination Supported by Science?
                 10:30-11:50 Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD: The Immune System
                 01:30-02:50 Andrew Wakefield, MD: MMR Vaccine and Autism
                 04:00-05:20 Alan Phillips, JD: Vaccine Politics & Your Legal Rights

              track V: Practical/Lifestyle
                 09:00-10:20 Celeste Longacre: Ferments, Ferments, Ferments!
                 10:30-11:50 Sandeep Agarwal: Traditional Indian Cooking Using Ghee, Spices & Herbs
                 01:30-02:50 Kelly the Kitchen Kop: Help for Parents:  Getting Kids to Eat and LOVE Real Food
                 04:00-05:20 Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND: Removing the Five “Obstacles to Cure”
              closing ceremony (5:30-6:30): Frank Niceley, Tennessee State Senator: Restoring the Family Farm

              mondaY noVEmBER 14
                 07:00-06:00 Will Winter, DVM: Guided Farm Visit
                 09:00-04:00 Carrie Vitt: Nutrient-Dense Family Cooking
                 09:00-04:00 Sandra Van Gilder, DPT: Movement Workshop
                 09:00-04:00 Laura Schoenfeld, RD: Treating “Adrenal Fatigue”

                 Homeopathy Workshops
                 09:00-12:00 Cilla Whatcott, PhD: Support Immunity with the Perfect Disease Prevention
                 01:00-04:00 Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH: Homeopathy for the Early Years

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  17
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