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reasoned examination of the evidence seems percent of preformed vitamin A (retinol) is absorbed, even under ideal
to say no. Also, what about the recent trend of conditions only 3 percent or less of dietary carotenoids are assimilated.
vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy, Foods also vary widely in the amount of carotenoids they contain due
sometimes as high as 5,000 IU/day; is supple- to varietal differences, ripeness, climate during cultivation, storage,
menting this fat-soluble vitamin in isolation not processing and preparation methods. For example, carrots cooked in
without harm? fat will have more absorbable carotenoids than raw carrots, and more if
At the second Hohenheim Nutrition Con- puréed. Beta-carotene from supplements is much more readily absorbed
ference in Germany in 2009, Dr. Georg Lietz than beta-carotene from food sources.
reported that a high percentage of women in Dr. Lietz draws attention to a problem that is also common in the
the UK are at risk for vitamin A deficiency; U.S.: the low consumption of vitamin A-rich foods. “Worryingly, younger
one of the chief causes is the fact that two women are at particular risk. The older generation tend to eat more
common genetic variations (one or both were eggs, milk and liver, which are naturally rich in vitamin A, whereas the
present in almost half of healthy women stud- health-conscious youngsters on low-fat diets are relying heavily on the
ied) greatly lessen the body’s ability to convert beta-carotene form of the nutrient.” Of course this is now a common
beta-carotene into vitamin A. If a women car- practice among elders, too.
ries both genes that reduce this conversion, she Despite the likelihood that low intakes in women are much more
can have a one-third to two-third reduction in common than high intakes, strong warnings to avoid preformed vitamin
the ratio of retinyl palmitate (active vitamin A during pregnancy from authoritative sources continue. According to the
A) to beta-carotene circulating in her blood. Embryo Project: “[e]xcess intake of vitamin A and retinoids by pregnant
Studies conducted by scientists with the USDA women often results [in] malformations to fetuses' skulls, faces, limbs,
Agricultural Research Service confirm that 45 eyes, central nervous system.” The use of “often” is erroneous and highly
percent of individuals cannot achieve adequate misleading, unless they are specifically referring to synthetic retinoids
vitamin A status from beta-carotene alone. 28,29 such as Accutane. 31,32 Many other organizations and “experts” advise
In addition, the absorption of beta-carotene against eating liver, and any other food naturally high in vitamin A,
and other carotenoids can be quite unpredict- such as cod liver oil. Typically, couples planning to start a family fail
able—food factors and other individual differ- to question this advice.
ences can significantly affect bioavailability as A young Chinese expectant mother once told me, “I actually like to
well as the conversion to retinol. While 70-90 eat liver but not while I am pregnant because it is not good for the baby.”
Beef, New Zealand, liver, cooked, boiled 85 3.0 oz 17,862 59,500
Lamb, New Zealand, liver, raw 113 4.0 oz 17,440 58,100
Veal, liver, cooked, braised 80 1.0 slice 16,912 56,367
Lamb, New Zealand, liver, cooked, soaked, fried 85 3.0 oz 16,891 56,300
Veal, liver, cooked, pan-fried 67 1.0 slice 13,447 44,800
Goose, liver, raw 94 1.0 liver 8,750 29,200
Lamb, liver, cooked, pan-fried 85 3.0 oz 6,610 22,000
Beef, liver, cooked, braised 68 1.0 slice 6,411 21,400
Turkey, liver, all classes, cooked, simmered 53 1.0 liver 5,698 19,000
Chicken, broilers or fryers, giblets, cooked, fried 145 1.0 cup 5,194 17,300
Pork, fresh, liver, cooked, braised 85 3.0 oz 4,594 15,300
Turkey, whole, giblets, cooked, simmered 95 1.0 giblets 4,388 14,600
OSCAR MAYER, Braunschweiger Liver Sausage 85 3.0 oz 4,015 13,400
Chicken, roasting, giblets, cooked, simmered 145 1.0 cup 3,542 11,800
Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw 28 1.0 oz 3,318 11,100
Chicken, giblets, cooked, simmered 145 1.0 cup 2,539 8,460
Liverwurst spread 55 0.25 cup 2,250 7,500
Chicken, liver, all classes, cooked, pan-fried 44 1.0 liver 1889 6,300
22 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions