Page 26 - summer2016
P. 26

and not less than 30 μg/L, and the serum retinyl  may be marginal especially in women with more vegetarian-type diets
         esters should not be above 10 percent of the sum  or higher needs.  Zinc deficiency can exacerbate low vitamin A intakes
         of the retinol and retinyl esters. Measuring fast-  because zinc is needed in the synthesis and secretion of retinol binding
         ing retinyl esters is done to check whether the  protein, which mobilizes vitamin A from the liver and transports it into
         capacity of the liver to store vitamin A has been  circulation.  Liver is an excellent source of both nutrients.
         exceeded, a rare but possible occurrence.       Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy is typically treated with
                                                   higher doses of iron. Yet increased intakes of vitamins A and B may
         BALANCE WITH VITAMINS D AND K       2     be required to resolve the anemia, with or without supplemental iron
            Supplementing with vitamin D is a common  depending on need. Vitamin A deficiency seems to impair mobilization
         practice among obstetricians, often without the  of iron from body stores; therefore vitamin A supplementation improves
         benefit of blood testing to determine what level  hemoglobin concentration.  Serum retinol levels below 30 mcg/dL have
         of supplementation, if any, is optimal. More as-  been associated with “vitamin A-responsive” anemia. Since blood levels
         tute practitioners know that supplementing with  of retinol-binding protein change with pregnancy, the serum retinol test
         vitamin D, especially at levels of 5,000 IU per  can yield inaccurate results.  Be aware that routine iron supplementa-
         day (which I have seen in pregnant patients) is  tion is not advisable during pregnancy, since an increased iron intake in
         not advisable unless attention is paid to ensuring  women with an already adequate iron status may have adverse effects.
         vitamin A intake is optimal. Too much vitamin  Assessment of serum ferritin at the onset of pregnancy will help determine
         D can deplete vitamin A. Likewise, intake of  whether more iron or iron-rich foods is indicated.
         vitamins A and D require balance with vitamin
         K . Poultry liver, which contains all three fat-  CONCLUSION
         soluble vitamins—A, D and K —is an ideal     Clearly, vitamin A plays a vital role in pregnancy nutrition and the
         source of these synergistic nutrients.    development of a healthy baby. It has been called “the concertmaster of
                                                   fetal development”  because it is needed to “achieve harmonious tissue
         OTHER CONSIDERATIONS                      organization.”
            Iron and zinc deficiency can affect the     If still uncertain whether consuming additional preformed vitamin
         conversion to vitamin A. Iron is needed for the  A would be beneficial (either from cod or fish liver oil, other types of
         intestinal conversion of carotenoids to retinal;  supplements, or from foods like liver), discuss this with your obstetrical
         zinc is required for the subsequent conversion  care provider. In any case, 3000 μg RAE (10,000 IU) per day from all
         from retinal to retinol. Iron deficiency is not  sources during pregnancy appears to be well within a safe upper limit
         uncommon during pregnancy, and zinc status  according to most data; the Weston A. Price Foundation recommends at

                                     VITAMINS A AND D IN COMMON PRENATAL VITAMINS

          BRAND                                      VITAMIN  A                                 VITAMIN  D
          Vitalfol-One*                              1100 IU as beta-carotene                   1000 IU
                                                         (label says 14 percent of daily value in pregnancy)
          Prenaissance DHA*                          0 IU                                       400 IU
          Prenate DHA*                               0 IU                                       400 IU
          Vitafusion Prenatal                        4000 IU as retinyl palmitate               400 IU
                                                         (label says 50 percent of DV for pregnancy)
          Mega Food Baby and Me                      5000 as mixed carotenoids                  600 IU
          Garden of Life Raw                         5000 as beta-carotene                      1400 IU
          Thorne Basic Prenatal*                     5000 IU                                    1000 IU
                                                         (3000 from beta-carotene and
                                                         2000 as retinyl palmitate)
          Rainbow Light Just Once                    4000 IU (as retinyl palmitate, beta carotene)    400 IU

           * Prescription brands.

          According to the FDA supplement labeling guide for industry, the daily value of vitamin A for pregnant and lactating
          women continues to be 8,000 IU (
          DietarySupplements/ucm070620.htm. Last updated 5/27/2015).
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