Page 31 - summer2016
P. 31
lease of the egg (ovulation) becomes imminent, time a dramatic shift in hormone production oc- Fertility
increasing estrogen production liquefies the curs. The now-empty follicle (referred to as a
mucus, making it more hospitable to sperm life. corpus luteum) initiates a surge in progesterone awareness
To know whether ovulation is likely to production (the second important female hor- becomes a
occur, women observe a changing, developing mone), which counteracts the effects caused by special tool
pattern of mucus culminating in pronounced rising estrogen. Progesterone activates special
slippery or lubricative or watery, runny (very areas in the vaginal walls (the Pockets of Shaw) to open up
wet) sensations at the vulva, detected while that cause a dramatic drying-up sensation at the conversations
moving about throughout the day or when vulva and also turns off any further follicular between the
wiping at bathroom visits. (“Fertility Cycle” development (and release of additional eggs)
example with mucus descriptions, page 33.) in that cycle. The changing pattern of mucus couple that
Women may also notice visible strings or egg- leading up to slippery sensations, followed by a otherwise
white discharge during this time—another sign dramatic drying-up sensation confirms the ovu- might not
of higher estrogen production. The presence of latory event. Another substantial confirmation
this type of visible discharge is not, of itself, of ovulation is progesterone’s ability to warm take place.
indicative of impending ovulation unless it the body, causing a rise in a woman’s waking
appears as part of a changing pattern of mucus (basal) temperature of roughly 0.4°F or more.
sensations over several days. Note in the same By monitoring the mucus and temperature
chart how the pattern of sensations and visible signs, couples can then interpret these obser-
mucus changes from moist, thicker and sticky vations to apply rules for avoiding pregnancy
(less fertile) to wet, slippery and stringy (more that mirror the effectiveness the pill delivers,
fertile). but without any health risks. In addition to
When the egg ruptures out of the ovary knowledge of the fertile and infertile windows
(ovulation), finger-like projections on the Fal- during the cycle, simple daily observations of
lopian tube capture the egg, permitting it to the mucus and temperature signs provide an
journey toward the uterus. If sperm are present, abundance of valuable information such as
conception can occur in the outer one-third of early detection of pregnancy, accurate due date
the Fallopian tube, but only within twelve to calculations, insufficient thyroid function, pro-
twenty-four hours, as the egg survives for only gesterone deficiency, inadequate mucus quality
twelve to twenty-four hours at most. At this same and medication effects.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 31