Page 32 - summer2016
P. 32

The overall         Fertility awareness becomes a special tool  of her slippery or very wet mucus sensations to

             level of the     to open up conversations between the couple  denote Peak Day—most frequently the day of
                              that otherwise might not take place—conver-
           temperature        sations like: “Is the time right for us to try to     She also recorded her days of menstrual
           pattern may        conceive?”; “We discussed before that we have  flow, the marker used to determine the start
            indicate the      an important reason to avoid pregnancy for the  of a new cycle, and documented the length of
                              time being; we should avoid sexual relations  her luteal phase (between ovulation and the
             strength of      during your fertile time. Do you still agree with  next menstrual period, fourteen days for this
                  thyroid     this decision?”; “Honey, I noticed your cycle this  cycle)—the number of days of higher tempera-
                function.     time shows signs of progesterone deficiency. No  tures (sympto-thermal NFP method)  before
                              wonder your PMS has skyrocketed. Let’s take  the return of her next menstrual period. Mucus-
                              a look at what can be done naturally to remedy  Only NFP Methods determine luteal phase
                              this.”                                   length by counting days after Peak Day before
                                 These outward fertility signs have been  the return of the menstrual period.  In this ex-
                              known for over fifty years although refinements  ample both ways yield the same result; in other
                              in the last thirty to forty years have improved  examples, they may not. Healthy luteal phases
                              the efficacy of modern NFP. When couples  can be anywhere from twelve to sixteen days
                              consider using NFP, they should be aware that  in length. In addition, the strength of the luteal
                              modern NFP is a far-cry from the older calendar  phase may play a role in establishing the health
                              rhythm—the Model T of natural methods for  of the cycle itself. “Strength” refers to whether
                              family planning. Calendar rhythm uses previ-  the temperatures after Peak Day reach at least
                              ous historical cycle length data to “predict”  0.4°F above the previous level and remain that
                              the fertile and infertile times in future cycles.  high or higher until the end of the cycle (when
                              Quite obviously, this Model T method of family  menstruation returns). The temperatures rose
                              planning does not take into account the woman’s  around Peak Day and remained high for the
                              current fertility signs; therefore, it is highly  duration of the cycle until menses returned.
                              ineffective for women who have variable cycle  Temperatures under the influence of estrogen,
                              lengths. Couples, too, should be aware that many  during the first half of the cycle, are lower. Fur-
                              physicians lack knowledge in distinguishing the  ther, the overall level of the temperature pattern
                              Model T version from the modern NFP version.  may indicate the strength of thyroid function;
                                 Both the mucus and temperature signs are  around 97.8° to 98.2° prior to ovulation and
                              important indicators for couples who wish to  above 98.2° after ovulation are good. This cycle
                              practice a natural method of family planning.  illustrates a healthy thyroid function.
                              To recognize their fertile and infertile times     Lastly, the overall pattern of mucus de-
                              some NFP methods employ the mucus and tem-  scriptions demonstrates that ovulation will
                              perature signs together (called sympto-thermal  occur (and has, in fact, occurred) as the woman
                              method) while others focus solely on one of  observed several days of a changing pattern of
                              these signs, typically the mucus sign (called the  mucus ending in slippery or very wet sensations,
                              mucus-only method). A third sign, changes in  followed by a dramatic change in her sensation.
                              the cervix, can also be monitored.       Consider the fact that these descriptions of
                                                                       mucus communicate exactly what the woman
                              A HEALTHY FERTILITY CYCLE                observed. Had she recorded her mucus in a letter
                                 To appreciate what a healthy fertility cycle  format to denote, for instance: “m” for damp,
                              is like, take note of the following example,  moist, or sticky sensations; “t” for tacky; “w”
                              although others exist. (Fertility Cycle, page 33)  for wet; “sl” for slippery; “s” for stretchy, the
                              On this chart a non-pregnant woman recorded  exact pattern of mucus would have been more
                              her daily basal (waking) temperatures and brief  difficult to ascertain. Thus, descriptions enable
                              descriptions of her mucus sensations (what she  the identification of an individual pattern. Pat-
                              felt or sensed) and mucus characteristics (what  terns can be fertile or infertile, depending on
                              she saw). A “P” was recorded on the last day  the type, as not all vaginal discharges are signs
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