Page 35 - summer2016
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Likewise, other personal health issues allergies or sensitivities to dairy or gluten af- Couples today
directly related to hormonal imbalances have fect which foods to consume; yet to obtain
increased: PMS, PCOS, infertility, postpar- nutrients present in those types of foods, one face the added
tum depression, anxiety, adrenal stress, under must consume alternative foods that contain complications
or overactive thyroid and others. No wonder these nutrients. Foods such as bone broth can of a plethora
women are concerned! Their overall lifestyle is be a great alternative, although bone broth can-
adversely affected, and their ability to conceive not compare with milk products as a source of of foods that
or sustain a pregnancy is compromised. calcium. are rancid,
Tackling both nutritional deficiencies and processed,
IN PURSUIT OF toxicity may seem overwhelming and impos-
HEALTHY FERTILITY NATURALLY sible. Realize though that the human body has prefabricated
In addition to long-term use of the pill, an enormous capacity to heal if given the right and extruded,
which has deleterious effects on women’s hor- tools. Our bodies have highly developed sys- laden with
monal balance, gut flora and well-being, other tems for detoxification and regeneration. Many
modern factors that contribute to unhealthy couples have restored their cycles and fertility additives,
cycles include inadequate nutrition and toxicity. through natural means. With regard to toxicity, preservatives
Nutritional deficiency results from inad- becoming aware of toxins, and taking actions to and synthetic
equate intake of nutrient-dense foods containing minimize or avoid exposure to them constitute
the essential fertility vitamins (A, D, E, K) and important first steps. vitamins,
many important minerals such as magnesium, To become aware of the types of toxins full of refined
calcium, iodine and others. In his travels around in our environment, Dr. Mark Schauss’ article sweeteners
the globe Dr. Weston Price found that primitive “Toxicity and Chronic Illness” in the Spring
(not ignorant) peoples knew this maxim well. 2015 issue of Wise Traditions is a must-read, or (or artificial
They knew it so well that these cultures required re-read. Around your house the most important sweeteners)
a special period of eating “sacred” foods high in culprits are likely to be phthalates, xylene and and caffeine,
nutrients, including organ meats, certain types Bisphenol-A (BPA) with its sidekicks—BPS or
of seafood, fish eggs, pastured butter, cream BPF. Phthalates are found in plastics, personal and carrying
and animal fats, before conceiving in order to care products and air fresheners (such as plug-in GMOs,
ensure perfect babies. These foods are high in types and dryer sheets) that use heat to release antibiotics and
cholesterol and vitamin A, both necessary for the aroma. They are notorious for depressing
production of sex hormones, conception and testosterone production and have been impli- chemical
pregnancy. The important work of creating cated in miscarriages and birth defects. sprays.
healthy babies was not left to chance, or rel- Xylene is a petroleum-derived chemical
egated to synthetic vitamins and minerals in a found in multiple places: air fresheners, ad-
prenatal pill. hesives in carpets, nail polishes and cigarette
Couples today face the added complications smoke. Well-known as a carcinogen and nerve
of a plethora of foods that are rancid, processed, toxin, it also has a reputation for increasing
prefabricated and extruded, laden with addi- miscarriages and birth defects. BPA is found
tives, preservatives and synthetic vitamins, full in hard plastic bottles, linings in canned foods
of refined sweeteners (or artificial sweeteners) and store receipts. It too is quite ubiquitous in
and caffeine, and carrying GMOs, antibiotics our homes and is easily absorbed through the
and chemical sprays. skin and inhaled. Note that many companies
But nutritional deficiency today can also now claim their products are BPA-free. Don’t
be caused by a person’s inability to digest or be fooled, however, because these companies
assimilate even nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient- are probably replacing BPA with BPS or BPF,
dense food intake does not necessarily equal with almost no testing. These substitute chemi-
nutrient-dense assimilation. Consequently, my cals could be just as toxic, or possibly more so.
consultation strategy encourages people who The best advice is avoidance. Discover where
display digestive symptoms to adopt an eating to find toxins in household products and safe
program that addresses this first. For example, alternatives from the Environmental Working
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 35