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not uncommon. So I would expect Kaylene to  not desired, the goal is for the woman’s fertility cycles to be interpretable
         see further improvements if she continues with  (with proper instruction) while not causing interference with her lifestyle.
         her present program.                      Hopefully this article will prompt those who desire healthy fertility to
            As confirmed by NFP instructors and NFP  take steps to pursue it!
         users I have worked with, the practice of NFP
         can also be highly satisfactory with excellent  Vicki Braun is a master fertility awareness consultant, trained and
         fertility awareness instruction along with ad-  certified in four different methods of NFP; she is also a certified GAPS
         equate nutrition advice.                  practitioner. She has a BS degree in biology and chemistry and an MS
            Others have achieved pregnancy after years  degree in microbiology. She writes and speaks on NFP, balancing hor-
         of infertilty, or succeeded in avoiding pregnancy  mones and healing the gut. She has taught NFP for over thirty years,
         with minimal abstinence.                  and has consulted with thousands of women. She combines NFP and
                                                   her knowledge of hormonal imbalances with a focus on gut health in
         HEALTHY FERTILITY                         order to help people restore hormonal balance through diet and lifestyle
            A comprehensive approach to reversing  changes. Visit her website: or write to her at:
         the trend of cycle problems or fertility issues is
         often plausible and workable, thus allowing for
         a healthy fertility comeback. The goal of course  Disclaimer: This article does not provide sufficient instruction or rules
         during the fertile years is for healthy sperm to  in order to use fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy.
         be capable of fertilizing healthy mature eggs
         in couples desirous of pregnancy, resulting in a
         healthy pregnancy and baby. Or if pregnancy is

                                         TESTIMONIALS ON FERTILITY AWARENESS

          From a Couple-to-Couple League (CCL) NFP teacher, wife and mother: “For the first time in my life I know what it feels
          like to have more normal menstruations! I want to thank you for your advice, prayers and help! It has been a blessing! I
          wish more women knew about this so they could give it a try before accepting [any ablation or hysterectomy] surgery.”

          From S. G., wife and mother: “I really appreciated our conversation—you spent a lot of time with me on the phone. I've
          made an effort to incorporate your dietary suggestions, and I know that helped a lot. I've been meaning to email you to
          tell you that I'm pregnant! I am twenty-three weeks along and besides normal tiredness, the baby and I are doing great!
          Thank you so much for all the amazing work you do!”

          From V. J, NFP teacher: “It's been so marvelous being able to go to you for this. When my client came to me at over fifty
          days past getting off the pill with no ovulation, I had no idea what to do except contact you. And I've learned a great deal
          through this process. What a gift you have been for me and my client and so many other people.”

          From E. B., wife and mother: “That kind [of discharge pattern] is not discussed in The Art of Natural Family Planning—Tran-
          sitions Student Guide, from the Couple-to-Couple League, and because of the phone conversation I had with Vicki, my
          husband and I were able to avoid three months of unnecessary abstinence. . . . We are extremely grateful for the phone
          counseling we received!”

          From P. H., in premenopause transition: “In February of 2011 I called Vicki for assistance in interpreting my premenopausal
          charts. She helped decipher my mucus discharge pattern, which turned out to be an infertile pattern not discussed in the
          book I had. Because of her assistance my husband and I were able to resume marital relations during days of infertility
          (determined after first establishing this different type of infertile pattern). This saved us from abstaining for several months,
          and I was successful at avoiding pregnancy during this time.”

          From an NFP teacher: “I once called Vicki about a client issue and got to talking about nutritional helps for conceiving in
          the later years of fertility (for myself). Her advice and encouragement after my miscarriage I think were a great part of my
          hope and nutritional interventions that were rewarded with our now three-year-old little boy, who came home from the
          hospital on my forty-third birthday!”
         38                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2016                                                                 Wise Traditions
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