Page 43 - summer2016
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“morning after” pill) is that conception can still occur and most often REFERENCES
results in the embryo being aborted without the woman’s knowledge. 1. Jane Bennett & Alexandra Pope, The Pill: Are you
sure it’s for you? Crows Nest NSW, Australia: Allen &
The abortion itself (detachment of the fetus from the uterine wall), as Unwin, 2008, pgs. 51-52.
well as the use of Progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone used in 2. David Perlmutter, MD, Brain Maker, New York: Little,
hormonal contraceptives (as well as in hormonal replacement therapy for 3. Brown and Company, 2015, pgs. 166-167.
Kathleen Doheny, Birth Control Pills, HRT Tied to
menopausal women), can cause uterine scarring. To address this problem, Digestive Ills, HealthDay, May 21, 2012, http://con-
unrefined cod liver oil, Utrophin PMG, a Protomorphogen brand extract
from Standard Process, and the gemmotherapy Rubus Idaeus are excel- diegestive-ills-664939.html.
lent choices for support and regeneration of the uterine lining. Additional 4. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Folic Acid and Glyphosate,
homeopathic remedies can also be very helpful and should be chosen for
the individual by a trained homeopath. 5. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Too much folate in pregnant women increases
risk for autism, study suggest, http://www.eurekalert.
WISDOM org/pub_releases/2016-05/jhub-tmf050916.php
The wisdom of our ancestors calls us to respect nature’s provisions 6. Pelton, R and others. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion
and its cyclical rhythms. Those who walked before us understood the 7. Handbook. 2001. Lexi-Comp. pg. 467-471.
Royal Lee, DDS, An Introduction to Protomorphology,
good judgment of honoring our own biological cycles, as well as those of from lecture on April 19, 1956, reprinted 2001. San Di-
the earth and moon. Being intentional in eating seasonally and in taking 8. ego: International Foundation for Nutrition and Health.
Christine Northrup, MD, The Wisdom of the Menstrual
our sleep cues from the sun will open up opportunity for more vibrant Cycle: Honoring the Sacred Moon Cycle, http://www.
health. Moving young women to a more natural and traditional diet and
lifestyle is our best hope for creating a healthier world for tomorrow—one 10. E. Hartman, Dreaming sleep (the D State) and the men-
strual cycle, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease,
that gives each child a nourishing beginning and a chance to experience vol. 143:406–16; Swanson, E.M., Foulkes, D. 1968.
life to its fullest. Dream content and the menstrual cycle, Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 145(5):358–63.
11. U.S. Health and Human Services, Office on Women’s
Kim Schuette, CN, cert. GAPS practitioner, has been in private practice Health.
in the field of nutrition since 1999 teaching the importance of real food
for optimal health. In 2002 she established Biodynamic Wellness where
she and her staff specialize in nutritional and biotherapeutic drainage
therapies to support gut/bowel and digestive disorders, detoxification,
mindful preconception, hormonal imbalances, ADD/ADHD challenges,
and children’s health concerns. Additionally, Kim serves on the board
of directors for the WAPF and co-serves as the WAPF chapter leader in
San Diego, where she resides with her husband and youngest son.
Serves one
2-4 ounces raw organic cream* or coconut cream (Artisana coconut cream)
3-6 ounces raw milk or kefir or yogurt, if desired* (or coconut milk or whole milk yogurt)
1 cup berries, fresh or frozen (optional)
2-3 raw organic egg yolks
1 tablespoon or more raw liver, cut into small pieces, frozen for at least 14 days prior to use
1 teaspoon raw honey
1 tablepsoon organic, unrefined coconut oil
Place all ingredients in blender or food processor and process until well blended. Enjoy!
*People following the GAPS™ Diet should omit raw cream—instead use sour or piima cream. Ideally raw or
sour/piima cream is best for supporting hormone health. Cultured cream may be made from viili, piimä and
filmjölk cultures (all mesophilic cultures, room temperature cultures). Cultures may be purchases online from
Cultures for Health.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 43