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I fell into the Thankfully I was able to nurse again after soy trap and paid with a hysterectomy four years
soy trap and the ten days and did so for eleven months. She later, because of the growth of a non-malignant
tumor. I almost bled to death as the hospital did
was a very happy, chubby baby, curious and al-
paid with a ways exploring. With no experience I listened to not forward my messages to my doctor. I heard
hysterectomy my authorities about most everything. When she my blood rushing in my ears. Considering all
four years was about five or six months old, I felt like she this, I was doing pretty well, still working in
was not getting enough nourishment from me my garden with a hemoglobin of 5.3, (normal is
later, because alone so I began adding Gerber instant cereals about 12) while replenishing my strength daily
of the growth and other solid foods. She received the recom- with wild edibles, herbs and meat.
of a non- mended vaccinations. In 1980 our well went The turning point came in 2002 when I
dry and we had to connect to fluoridated city heard about the Weston A. Price Foundation at
malignant water. When she was four, I started her on baby the herbal conference Green Nations Gathering
tumor. fluoride tablets. I obtained them from a Swiss in upstate New York. I heard why butter is better
Apotheke. About a year thereafter her hair fell and about the ploy of soy! I joined the Founda-
out in bunches. She was about five and one-half tion immediately, and soon we were drinking
when I began using the microwave oven to cook raw milk and eating raw butter. It all made per-
her morning eggs and pre-packaged oatmeal. fect sense! My husband and daughter's allergies
She loved to stand in front of the oven and watch disappeared—but only when we could obtain
it cook. Had I only known! raw milk. (By the way, my husband would have
Miriam began having hour-long sneezing died in 1953 when he was just a few days old if
fits every morning before school, and she blew it had not been for an old-time medical doctor
her nose sounding like an elephant. My husband demanding he receive raw goat's milk! His mom
also suffered from long sneezing fits since he was too sick to nurse because of her poor diet
was a child, especially around fresh cut grass and formulas did not work.)
and flowers. Our daughter began her monthly
cycle three years before I did at age eleven— THE NEXT GENERATION
for me it was age fourteen and my mother age In 2012 Miriam got married. Thankfully
seventeen. her husband adopted much of the WAPF diet. In
Miriam has never had cavities even to this February 2014 she conceived and started taking
day—which I credit to daily gentle brushing cod liver oil—of course it should have been the
with water since the eruption of the first tooth— other way around, cod liver oil first and then
but needed glasses at age eight, braces and then conception.
all wisdom teeth removed at age seventeen for They visited Germany for one week in May
the sake of space. I felt that was so wrong; surely and Switzerland for two weeks in June. While in
God did not make a mistake giving us wisdom Germany she could not find grass-fed raw milk,
teeth. There had to be another solution! and all her childhood allergies returned with a
In the mid nineties I began searching for the vengeance! “It was awful, it was horrible,” were
real diet and thought I had found it! I fell into the her words. “My nose leaked so much, I had to
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care by Sally Fallon Morell and Tom Cowan, MD: “Since our son was born,
the Baby and Child Care book has been incredibly helpful and entertaining. I couldn't read Chapter Eight, 'Bringing up
Baby' fast enough! The book covers everything from the over-stimulation in babies to baby toys that should be avoided
to sleeping schedules. I especially appreciated the list of milestones which showed me that our little man was growing up
healthy, strong and on par with his age. The book teaches how to nourish the baby, how to strengthen mom and dad’s
immune system, and how to embrace good foods for life and long health. This book has given me such confidence as a
new mom. Many times while reading this book I think, 'Duh! This all makes perfect sense!'”
How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by pediatrician Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD: This book helps parents
take control of their child's health and advises what to do when a baby gets sick.
46 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions