Page 51 - summer2016
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a hyper-reactive inflammatory response in an  DHA is also essential for the pineal gland to   Sulfate
            attempt to regenerate the supplies of sulfate that  carry out sunlight-catalyzed sulfate synthesis.
            neurons need, but this response is ultimately  Morley and Seneff observe that DHA is “the   depletion also
            counterproductive.                        most neuroprotective component of the omega-3  impairs two
                Sulfate depletion also impairs two impor-  oils and makes up the most abundant fatty acid   important
            tant repair and clean-up mechanisms that are  in neural membranes.”  Although DHA normal-
            needed following brain injury, namely neuronal  ly should be present in substantial amounts in   repair and
            repair and recycling of cellular debris. Sulfate  the pineal gland, omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies,  clean-up
            supplies in the CSF become inadequate when  as already mentioned, are at epidemic levels. A   mechanisms
            sulfate transporters are insufficient. Sulfate  shortage of DHA, therefore, is problematic for
            transporters include the monoamine neurotrans-  sulfate synthesis as well as other protective and   that are
            mitters (melatonin, serotonin, dopamine and  healing mechanisms.                   needed
            norepinephrine), and sterols such as choles-                                       following
            terol, DHEA and vitamin D . The pineal gland  THE ROLE OF GLYPHOSATE

            (an endocrine gland in the center of the brain)     Some interesting parallel trends have   brain injury.
            plays a particularly important role in the sulfate  occurred over the same time period that
            transport process, synthesizing melatonin at  sports-related concussions (and other forms of
            night and delivering it to the CSF in the form  neurological-related damage) have been on the
            of melatonin sulfate. Adequate sunlight during  rise.  For Morley and Seneff, one of the most
            the day is essential to build up the supplies of  relevant and disturbing trends is the dramatic
            sulfate needed to accomplish this nighttime  increase in use of glyphosate (the active in-
            transport process.  Sun exposure is also a  gredient of Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer).
            necessary (though not sufficient) condition to  Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in
            produce functional vitamin D , another sulfate  the world, with nearly a billion pounds of this
            transporter. Interestingly, the brain centers  toxin applied annually. In the U.S., according
            responsible for producing serotonin, dopamine  to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),
            and norepinephrine are situated in close proxim-  glyphosate accounted for roughly 50 percent of
            ity to the pineal gland.                  total herbicide quantity as of 2008. 19
                It is noteworthy that the omega-3 fatty acid     The escalating use of glyphosate has ac-

                                                                             Source: Fernandez-Cornejo et al., 2014. 19

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  51
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