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companied the wholesale adoption of genetically  micronutrients in plants, which carries over into nutrient deficiencies and
         modified (GM) “Roundup-Ready” soy, corn,  diminished nutritional value in the glyphosate-exposed processed foods
         cotton and other GM crops (see Figure 2). From  that we consume.
         1996 to 2008, there was a whopping 764 percent     The second way that glyphosate alters our physiology is by disrupt-
         increase in millions of pounds of the amount  ing all-important gut bacteria.  It is common knowledge that beneficial
         of glyphosate applied to soy crops, as well as a  gut bacteria perform many crucial biological functions. Glyphosate’s
         2167 percent increase in its use for corn crops  interference with our gut flora allows opportunistic pathogens to gain
         and a 977 percent increase for cotton crops.   the upper hand and produce toxic by-products such as formaldehyde. It
         The USDA admits that the surge in glyphosate  also adversely affects the synthesis of the B vitamins that are essential
         use has led to the development of glyphosate-  for methylation; and glyphosate impairs glutathione (GSH) synthesis by
         resistant weed populations, prompting growers  depleting methionine. GSH is the brain’s major antioxidant, and GSH
         to apply other herbicides in conjunction with  depletion leads to neuronal degeneration.
         glyphosate and increasing the overall quantity     Third, glyphosate interferes with the activity of the cytochrome P450
         of herbicides applied to GM crops. 19    (CYP) enzymes in the liver.  CYP enzymes are important for vitamin D
             Over 80 percent of all processed foods in  activation, production of cholesterol sulfate and detoxification of drugs
         the standard North American diet contain GM  and toxins. Morley and Seneff suggest that glyphosate’s suppression of
         ingredients, many from glyphosate-exposed  CYP enzymes may explain the rampant vitamin D  deficiencies observed
         crops. Glyphosate also has been detected in our  in this country. As already noted, vitamin D  is a sulfate transporter, and
         water and air as well as in human urine samples.  problems with sulfate transport are linked to insufficient sulfate supplies
         Of relevance to our modern-day problems with  in the CSF.
         TBIs, according to Morley and Seneff, this
         explosive and cumulative increase in glypho-  GLYPHOSATE-ALUMINUM SYNERGY
         sate exposure depletes sulfate supplies to the     Aluminum is a known neurotoxin  that bioaccumulates in the brain
         neural tissues. Sulfate depletion, in turn, leaves  and can catalyze immunoexcitotoxicity. Glyphosate works synergistically
         neural tissues “especially vulnerable to jostling  with aluminum to cause harm, in part by promoting aluminum uptake. 16
         through sudden impact” and impairs vital repair  According to Morley and Seneff, glyphosate plausibly “facilitates the pen-
         mechanisms.                              etration of aluminum across the gut barrier”—and the fact that glyphosate
             In addition to affecting sulfate supplies,  disrupts beneficial gut bacteria further enhances aluminum penetration.
         glyphosate also disturbs at least three other  Aluminum’s known physiological effects can also explain, independently
         critical processes. First, glyphosate interferes  of its interaction with glyphosate, the type of brain inflammation that is
         with the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids  making it difficult for concussions to heal as nature intended.
         (tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine), which     There are many possible routes of exposure to aluminum, but for
         are precursors to the monoamine neurotransmit-  children, one of the most significant sources is the aluminum adjuvants
         ters that serve as sulfate transporters. In the  contained in numerous vaccines. Adjuvants are substances added to pro-
         process, glyphosate binds to and immobilizes  duce a stronger immune response to the microbial antigens.  Table 2 lists

             TABLE 2. Amount of aluminum in vaccines, micrograms (mcg) per shot
             VACCINE                             BRAND NAME(S)        AMOUNT OF ALUMINUM (MICROGRAMS)
             Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP)        Tripedia                     170 mcg
             DTaP                                       Daptacel                     330 mcg
             DTaP                                       Infanrix                     625 mcg
             Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib)         PedVaxHib                    225 mcg
             Hepatitis A                                Havrix, Vaqta                250 mcg
             Hepatitis B                                Recombivax, Engerix B        250 mcg
             Human papillomavirus (HPV)                 Gardasil                     225 mcg
             Pneumococcus                               Prevnar                      125 mcg
             DTaP + hepatitis B + polio combo           Pediarix                     850 mcg
             DTaP + Hib + polio combo                   Pentacel                     330 mcg
             Source: Sears RW, n.d. 22

         52                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2016                                                                 Wise Traditions
   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57