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As another indicator of this trend, emergen- DIMINISHED BRAIN RESILIENCE When we are
cy department visits for sports- and recreation- The authors of the 2014 study are Wendy
related TBIs among children and adolescents Morley, nutrition specialist, and Stephanie physiologically
rose 62 percent from 2001 to 2009, even Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT (and a intact and
though youth participation in sports has been frequent Wise Traditions contributor). The two healthy,
steadily declining in recent years (Figure 1). authors make a compelling argument that our
Improved detection of concussion cannot ex- modern lifestyle and environmental toxins are intrinsic brain
plain all of the increase. It also should be noted the key culprits responsible for the alarming mechanisms
that statistics on emergency department visits uptick in concussions and concussion-related typically allow
do not reflect other non-emergency department neurological damage. A series of deeply inter-
medical visits that are occasioned by sports- related environmental and lifestyle problems— us to recover
related concussions, or the many concussed pesticide and chemical toxicity, exposure to spontaneously
individuals who do not seek medical attention. heavy metals such as aluminum, poor gut health, from
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre- overconsumption of processed foods, nutritional
vention (CDC) categorizes concussions as a deficiencies (especially during the formative uncomplicated
“mild” form of TBI but acknowledges that all years), and insufficient access to sunlight—are single
TBIs disrupt normal brain function. Neurologi- setting into motion a perfect storm of events that concussions
cal surgeons caution that no concussion should are making our brains less resilient to shocks
be taken lightly. In the short term, concus- and disturbances of all types. within
sions may cause a range of physical, cognitive, According to Morley and Seneff, the twenty-four to
behavioral and emotional signs and symptoms. human body’s innate regulatory and heal- seventy-two
More disturbingly, researchers have found ing mechanisms are ordinarily sufficient to
that some concussions can have downstream “maintain homeostasis and enable physiologi- hours.
neurodegenerative effects, giving rise to “pat- cal resilience.” When we are physiologically
terns of decline often associated with abnormal intact and healthy, intrinsic brain mechanisms
aging.” A 2014 study in Surgical Neurology typically allow us to recover spontaneously
International coined a term for this increasingly from uncomplicated single concussions within
prevalent problem: “diminished brain resilience twenty-four to seventy-two hours. However,
(DBR) syndrome.” 11 due to widespread exposure to environmental
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 49