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the vaccines that contain aluminum adjuvants adjuvants that they received in early childhood Injected
in the U.S., along with the amount of aluminum and again at ages four to six have not yet left
contained in each. As Dr. Robert Sears’ pedi- their bodies. Vaccine booster shots targeted aluminum
atric website shows, newborns and infants who at preteens that contain significant amounts enters the
follow the current vaccine schedule receive 250 of aluminum adjuvant include DTaP or Tdap, brain quickly
micrograms (mcg) of aluminum in the hepatitis Gardasil and the meningitis B vaccine recom-
B vaccine on the day of birth and another 250 mended by the CDC in 2015 for teens between and is slow to
mcg in the second hepatitis B shot at one month ages sixteen and twenty-four. The Gardasil 9 be excreted,
of age. This is followed by anywhere from 295 vaccine approved by the FDA in late 2014 con- with a
to 1225 mcg of injected aluminum at the two- tains over twice as much aluminum (500 mcg)
month appointment, repeated at the four-month as the original Gardasil vaccine (225 mcg). half-life of
and six-month follow-ups, producing a possible Teen lifestyles also feature other oral and about seven
total of nearly 3,000 mcg by six months, and topical aluminum exposures. These include to eight years.
4,925 mcg by 18 months. Investigators at the aluminum-containing antiperspirants, sports
University of British Columbia have found drinks such as Gatorade (and other processed
a highly significant correlation between the foods with aluminum-containing food dyes)
number of aluminum-containing vaccines and sunscreens, which have aluminum nanopar-
administered and the rate of autism spectrum ticles. Considering the synergistic relationship
disorders. As the vaccine schedule continues to between aluminum and glyphosate, high con-
expand, so does children’s cumulative exposure sumption of junk and processed foods contain-
to neurotoxic aluminum. ing GM ingredients by teenagers is also cause
Injection is a particularly toxic mode of ex- for concern.
posure to aluminum. Injected aluminum enters
the brain quickly and is slow to be excreted, BUILDING STRONG SKULLS
with a half-life of about seven to eight years. AND RESILIENT BRAINS
Disturbingly, the children who are involved Morley and Seneff’s wide-ranging article
in organized team sports and are potentially provides sobering evidence that environmental
at risk of concussion are exposed to additional and lifestyle factors have given rise to the prob-
injected aluminum in their preteen and teenage lem of diminished brain resilience syndrome—a
years through booster shots, even though the problem with serious and potentially lifelong
The standard medical response to concussion has been to prescribe complete cognitive and physical rest (often in
a darkened room) to avoid reinjuring the brain. Typically, this means avoiding reading, screen time and exercise until full
alleviation of symptoms.
Full rest in the first few days after injury is still considered critical. However, some physicians also have been devel-
oping a more proactive approach to treatment. Instead of “waiting for the brain to right itself on its own,” this approach
draws on the concept of neuroplasticity, which recognizes the brain’s ability to adapt. By carefully pinpointing the specific
problems that the individual is experiencing (such as vestibular system deficits, impaired vision or language problems)
and prescribing exercises that are comparable to “physical therapy for the brain,” these physicians believe that it may be
possible to encourage steadier improvement, although the approach still requires caution and fine-tuning. 1
In addition to rest, administering alternating drops of fermented cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil under the
tongue can support the healing process. Cod liver oil is particularly helpful in reducing inflammation and promoting neu-
ron repair. Homeopathic Arnica (or Aconite for the very fearful) in a 200C potency can also stimulate recovery if given
shortly after the concussion, and other homeopathic remedies can be supportive over the longer term. 2
1. Kilgore C. New ideas for treating concussions. National Post, April 13, 2016.
2. McIntosh C. A little bump or a major injury? British Homeopathic Association, n.d. http://www.britishhomeopathic.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 53