Page 58 - summer2016
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Like became regular. tal exposures. Likewise, optimal nutrition can
Later, the boy's poor sleep returned, and increase a child's resistance to such exposures.
mobile phone he climbed into his parents' bed again. His This work has taught me to consider my
signals, mother thought he'd eaten too much sugar for office a lab: if a child becomes hyperactive in
Wi-Fi signals Halloween. Then she learned that her older child my waiting room and calms down outdoors, that
can also had re-activated their Wi-Fi. Once she turned gives me a clue that the home environment or
the Wi-Fi off again, the four-year-old started my waiting room may need EMR reduction.
cause cell sleeping again, and his behavior calmed down. As researchers explore possible environ-
membranes Within two months of reduced EMR-exposure mental contributors to autism, they'd be remiss
to leak and and taking the multi-vitamin and fish oil, his not to include EMR. Indeed, we're all research-
cognitive level improved two grade levels. His ers now in our high-tech world. Our children
calcium school principal and teachers were shocked. are like canaries in the coal mine. We might
ions to flow Another family had an aggressive, non- welcome our children's agitated behaviors as
through them verbal ten-year-old child with autism. Every indications that we need to use technology more
night, the boy ran around the house, screaming safely. By making technology safer, we are also
in a relatively from 10 pm until 3 am. This family lived on a likely to improve health for ourselves, wildlife
uncontrolled military base with high levels of background and the planet.
manner. EMR, so I doubted that the protocol would
have any effect. But the parents wanted to try it. ANDREW GOLDSWORTHY, PhD, is a retired
They kept the electricity on in their son's room, lecturer in biology from Imperial College in
but they eliminated their Wi-Fi at night and the UK:
unplugged all of their cordless phones. Within Some genetic forms of autism spectrum
three days, the boy's aggressive behaviors de- disorders (ASD) can be accounted for by known
creased, and he spoke a complete sentence for mutations in genetic coding for ion channels,
the first time. which result in an increased concentration
Motivated, the family eliminated all of of calcium in the neurons. This can lead to
their wireless technologies day and night. I also neuronal hyperactivity and the formation of
prescribed pharmaceutical-grade, molecularly- sometimes inappropriate synapses, which in
distilled fish oil for this boy. After three weeks turn may lead to autistic behaviors.
with the Wi-Fi router turned off and daily fish Just after birth, a child's brain goes through
oil, his nightly screaming stopped. His speech, an intense period of becoming aware of new
digestion and sleep continued to improve. His sensory input. He recognizes his or her mother's
anxiety—and his mother's seizure disorder— face, her expressions, and eventually other
both decreased. people and their relationship to him or her. 2
If an effect is not apparent within two weeks During this process, the neurons in the brain
of the EMR-Reduction Protocol, I suggest that make countless new connections, and the brain
parents return to their original electronics usage, stores what the child learns. Connections that
and again rate the child's three main problems are rarely used are pruned. The patterns that
from zero to ten. If no effect is observed, EMR remain could become fixed into the child's brain.
may not be contributing to the child's illness, This pruning process is completed by the time
or the home's baseline EMR-exposure may be of sexual maturation. 3
so high that moving to an area with less EMR- If the child is exposed to radiofrequency
exposure may be the only way to calm behavior. (RF) fields during this pruning process, the
Of course diet also plays a key part in production of too many and often spurious
children's health. The supplement to the Janu- signals will generate frequent random connec-
ary 2010 Journal of Pediatrics reports that tions. These will not be pruned, even though
40-80 percent of children with autism have they may not make sense. Because the pruning
gastro-intestinal problems that can be difficult process in children exposed to RF fields may
to diagnose. A diet that is not right for a child be more random, these children—who may
can increase her vulnerability to environmen- have more brain cells than the rest of us—may
58 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions