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When a group          ing the WHO conception of Zika as “guilty until  hand, negatively affects brain growth (both in
             of Brazilian     proven innocent.”  On the other hand, some  utero and during infancy) and can have poten-
                              reporters also grudgingly admit (buried outside  tially irreversible implications for intellectual
           investigators      of the limelight) that the case against Zika is not  development.  Animal sources of vitamin A
                 used an      “airtight”  and remains “inconclusive.”    play a particularly crucial role in fetal develop-
                                 The scientific journal Nature reported in  ment. Vitamin A deficiencies result in improper
                 existing       late March that the true magnitude of birth de-  craniofacial development and numerous other
            database to       fects in Brazil is “elusive” because the country’s  abnormalities.
                examine       muddy microcephaly figures represent a moving     Brazil’s impoverished northeast—where
          microcephaly        target and lack a meaningful baseline.  Even  Zika has drawn the most attention—represents
                              more confusingly, when a group of Brazilian  the largest pocket of rural poverty in Latin
             patterns in      investigators used an existing database to exam-  America, a situation that is likely aggravated
                  sixteen     ine microcephaly patterns in sixteen thousand  by the country’s current economic collapse.
               thousand       babies over a four-year period (2012–2015), they  Although some reports suggest that nutrition
                              found more microcephaly than expected in all  trends in the northeast have been improving,
            babies over       four years, with a peak in 2014—before the  and others are documenting the rise in obesity in
             a four-year      charted arrival of the Zika virus in Brazil. 16  the middle class,  chronic malnutrition remains
                                 At first glance, an article in the April 13,  endemic and has advanced from the northeast’s
                   period       2016 issue of the influential New England Jour-  poorest rural areas to the urban peripheries.
           (2012–2015),       nal of Medicine would seem to definitively lay to  The standard food intake pattern in Brazil is
             they found       rest any doubts about whether Zika is the guilty  based on rice or manioc, beans, coffee, bread,
                    more      party.  After reviewing “available evidence,”  beef and, increasingly, sugar in the form of soft
                                                                       drinks and fruit juices,  none of which (except
                              the study’s authors conclude that a causal re-
          microcephaly        lationship exists between prenatal Zika virus  for beef liver) are noteworthy for their vitamin
        than expected         infection and serious brain anomalies. Inter-  A content.
               in all four    estingly, one of the factors that the authors cite     A study in which rats were fed a “regional
                              to shore up their conclusions is the lack of “an  basic diet” (RBD) comparable to the imbalanced
             years, with      alternative explanation…that could explain the  and nutrient-poor diet commonly consumed by

               a peak in      increase in cases of microcephaly.” As a means  poor children in northeastern Brazil found that
         2014—before          of “manufacturing consent,”  it is certainly ef-  brain weights in the experimental rats were
                              fective to communicate—in a highly regarded  about 20 percent lower than those of controls,
            the charted       peer-reviewed publication that instantly gener-  and the mortality rate among RBD rat pups
           arrival of the     ates press releases worldwide—the conclusion  was 24 percent.  The researchers concluded
               Zika virus     that there are no other possible explanations for  that  the inadequate  regional  diet  produces
                              the observed outcomes. As a statement of fact,  nutritional dwarfism and severe malnutrition.
                in Brazil.    however, the assertion ignores at least two broad  Blaming chronic starvation, a pediatrician has
                              risk factors for microcephaly long recognized by  characterized the region as “the Pygmy north-
                              mainstream experts, factors that are prevalent  east,” stating that two generations of mothers
                              in northeastern Brazil: severe malnutrition and  would need to be adequately fed to reverse the
                              toxic exposures during pregnancy. 19,20    dwarfism trend and to “normalize the race.”
                                                                       Other nutrition studies in under-five children
                              MICROCEPHALY AND MALNUTRITION            in the northeast have documented stunting in
                                 In normal pregnancies, a baby’s head grows  about 10 percent of children  and high levels
                              “because the baby’s brain grows.”  As the  of childhood anemia. 29
                              photos in the Wise Traditions “Healthy Baby
                              Gallery” routinely illustrate, pregnant women  TOXINS DURING PREGNANCY
                              who consume a nutrient-dense whole foods diet     In response to an upward trend in pertussis
                              produce robust children with beautifully formed  infections in Brazil, the country’s Ministry of
                              and appropriately sized heads and alert and  Health issued a policy in late 2014 mandating
                              happy temperaments. Malnutrition, on the other  that all pregnant women receive the Tdap vac-
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