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The New England Journal of Medicine authors, Moreover, the twenty-five thousand cases of Scientists
who present Zika as the only possible explana- microcephaly observed annually in the United
tion for the reported cases of microcephaly, States (as reported by the American Academy of have never
there are numerous reasons to consider other Neurology in 2009) require some explanation previously
more likely causes, many of which have been but cannot be blamed on the Zika virus. found an
ably investigated and summarized by blogger The New England Journal of Medicine
Jon Rappoport. This article reviews only a article admits that by shifting from a mere hy- association of
few of the most obvious suspects. Other pos- pothesis to actually asserting Zika’s causal role microcephaly
sible culprits put forth in the alternative press allows for “an intensified focus on prevention with Zika.
include industrial pollution from the petro- efforts, such as the implementation of vector
chemical industry, the 2015 release in Brazil control, the identification of improved diag-
of GM mosquitoes (with unknown ecosystem nostic methods, and the development of a Zika
consequences) and even bioterrorism. Where virus vaccine.”
viral scares are concerned, history also seems to Picking apart this statement, it is easy to
repeat itself. During the SARS panic in the early see that the companies producing larvicides,
2000s, for example, a Wise Traditions article medical supplies and vaccines are going to have
noted that industrial chemicals and emissions a field day with Zika. Scientists in India have
could far better explain the SARS syndrome already reported the development of two candi-
than the putative SARS virus. date vaccines. Meanwhile, young women liv-
It is important to keep in mind that it has ing in Brazil and other countries where Zika has
yet to be determined whether Brazil’s spike in made an appearance will be forced to rely “on
microcephaly cases is actually “real,” and also the same…primary care nurses and physicians
to remember that scientists have never previ- [they have] always trusted for care” —even
ously found an association of microcephaly with when those providers betray women’s trust by
Zika. As of late May 2016, only four hundred foisting toxic chemicals on developing babies
four cases of microcephaly had been confirmed and saying nothing about the importance of
(out of almost five thousand suspected cases) meaningful nutrition.
and of the four hundred four, only seventeen
(4.2 percent) had any relationship with Zika.
1. New phone number for The Rejuvenation Company: (408) 320-4805
2. New phone number for Thousand Hills Cattle Company: (877) 854-8422
3. Bone Broths Co. is now Kettle & Fire with a new phone number: (888) 254-3419
4. New phone number for Roseda Farm: (410) 962-5530
5. New phone number for Simple Squares: (888) 966-7622
6. New phone number for Jennies: (570) 457-2400
7. New phone number for Wonderfully Raw: (855) 293-5577
Please contact Carolyn Graff at
with updates and additions to the Shopping Guide.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 65