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Their meaning is clear: health officials, the  visits. Interestingly, the authors state that only 198 adverse events were
            vaccine makers and their minions are pushing  reported. Most parents don’t take their children to the ER unless there is
            vaccines and influencing science—for the ben-  a reason. Perhaps this shows how vaccine reactions are downplayed by
            efit of the vaccine makers.               hospitals. One ER nurse has even reported that hospitals systematically
               GBS is a very serious dysfunction of the  underreport vaccine reactions.
            immune system in which the immune system     Nine hundred fifty-eight hospitalizations and 19,351 visits to the ER
            attacks part of the nervous system resulting in  represent 20,309 serious adverse events within forty-two days (the study
            a wide range of debilitating symptoms includ-  period) following HPV vaccination. That means that 10 percent of HPV
            ing weakness, tingling, and ultimately paralysis  vaccine recipients in this study suffered a reaction that required a visit
            and even death. It is a known side effect of  to the ER or hospitalization—and that only includes the first forty-two
            other vaccines but U.S. health officials say it is  days after vaccination. Yet what did the study authors conclude? “Rates
            a coincidence following HPV vaccines.     of AEFI [adverse reactions] after HPV immunization in Alberta are low
               One of the most tragic conditions reported  and consistent with types of events seen elsewhere.” On what planet do
            following HPV vaccines is that of primary  10 percent of recipients of a medical procedure requiring a visit to the
            ovarian failure, or in common language, prema-  ER or hospitalization mean “low rates of adverse reactions”? Only on
            ture menopause. This has occurred in several  the pseudo-scientific medical planet of big pharma.
            young women, even in two sisters whose sexual     There are several important conclusions to draw from all these
            development had been totally normal—until  studies. HPV vaccines are capable of causing serious adverse reactions
            Gardasil. Treatment with hormone replace-  including catastrophic disability and death. Vaccine reactions are often
            ment therapies had no impact and these young  not reported by hospitals. Vaccine makers and the health authorities who
            women will never have children. They had no  promote, mandate and monitor the safety of these vaccines downplay
            genetic abnormalities that could explain the  adverse reactions to vaccines. As the saying goes, buyer beware, perhaps
            condition but some of the patients have evidence  with HPV vaccines more than any other product.
            of auto-antibodies suggesting the origin is an
            autoimmune condition triggered by the HPV  Leslie Manookian is a successful Wall Street business executive turned
            vaccine. The patients also experienced nausea,  award-winning filmmaker. She conceived, wrote and produced “The
            headaches, sleep disturbances, pain and cogni-  Greater Good”—a documentary exploring vaccines. She is a member of
            tive and other “psychiatric disturbances.” Of  the board of directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation and has been a
            course these are frequently reported side-effects  WAPF chapter leader since 2008. Active on the legislative front she works
            of vaccines in general and HPV vaccines in  to protect rights to medical and health freedom at home in Idaho and
            particular, but again health officials dismiss  across the nation and has played a leading role in successfully stopping
            them as coincidental.                     vaccine tracking legislation as well as helping gain consumer access to
               A new study out of Canada clearly shows  raw milk. She has been featured in dozens of television, radio, print and
            just how dangerous HPV vaccines are. The  Internet interviews as well as appearing at numerous conferences. She
            study looked at 195,270 girls who received HPV  holds an MBA from the University of Chicago, a BA from Middlebury
            vaccination. Of the vaccinated girls, there were  College and M.L.C.Hom from Lakeland College of Homeopathy.
            958 hospitalizations and 19,351 emergency room

                                                                            WE DON'T VACCINATE
                                                         We Don’t Vaccinate is a sensitive, expressive and discerning docu-
                                                         mentary. Strictly factual, it stays solely on the vaccine track tackling
                                                         the contemporary vaccine issue like no other film before it. Out of
                                                         Germany, the originating homeland of Merck & GlaxoSmithKline,
                                                         Michael Leitner’s documentary,  We Don’t Vaccinate deserves a
                                                         widespread worldwide audience so that the mass hypnosis which
                                                         allows these pharmaceutical companies to continue these crimes
                                                         can finally come to an end.

                                                         $3.00 to rent, $8.00 to download,

 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  69
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