Page 67 - summer2016
P. 67
Vaccination Update
By Leslie Manookian
In 2006, Merck introduced Gardasil, the Importantly, most of these women had never When it
first vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), had a Pap, or at least not had one in five years.
in the U.S. Not long thereafter, GlaxoSmith- Less than 3 percent of the estimated 1.6 million comes to
Kline introduced a similar vaccine called Cer- cancer cases and the half million cancer deaths HPV
varix. yearly are related to HPV infection. vaccines,
HPV is a virus that causes genital warts and When it comes to HPV vaccines, the news
HPV infections are hypothesized to progress gets worse and worse. These vaccines are linked the news
into cervical cancer; however, the evidence in- to primary ovarian failure (that is, premature gets worse
dicates that cervical cancer can develop without menopause), Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), and worse.
HPV infection, which casts doubt on a causal death and reports of many more serious adverse
connection. One needs to have other risk fac- reactions and emergency room (ER) visits—
tors such as smoking, oral contraceptive use, more than other vaccines. Yet public health
a weakened immune system, other infections officials continue to proclaim their safety. As
or high-risk behaviors in order to develop an the evidence of danger mounts, it is becoming
HPV-related cancer. increasingly clear that these vaccines are not
HPV infection occurs in most sexually about public health, but rather wealth—for the
active adults and is cleared from the body with vaccine makers.
no interventions by over 90 percent of people In recent years, scientists have examined the
within two years of infection. Since the 1960s brain tissue of young women who died not long
when Pap tests became a routine part of after receiving Merck’s Gardasil vaccine. Dr.
healthcare, cervical cancer rates have fallen by Lucija Tomljenovic examined the brain tissue
about 75 percent. In 2013, an estimated twelve of a fourteen-year-old girl who died two weeks
thousand women contracted cervical cancer, after her second HPV booster and a nineteen-
resulting in an estimated four thousand deaths. year-old woman who died six months after her
The Weston A. Price Foundation has received emails or letters from about one dozen individuals objecting to the
strong stance we have taken against vaccines. We respectfully request that these individuals use the same lens through
which they view mainstream nutritional advice, watch the films we recommend and read the research we present.
Moreover, please understand that no vaccinated-versus-unvaccinated study has ever been conducted, that federal law
recognizes that vaccines injure and kill, that a federal program has paid out over three billion dollars to vaccine victims,
and that those who manufacture and administer vaccines bear zero liability for them. Vaccines injure and kill far more
people than governments and health authorities openly admit, but no one can tell you in advance what kind of injury
you or your child might suffer.
Your children are depending on you to make the right decisions for them and to do your research on any medical
procedure before giving your consent. Of course you need to protect them from illness, but the best way to do this is
with our dietary principles, not with vaccines containing a host of harmful ingredients. Once these ingredients go into
the bloodstream of your child, you cannot take them out.
We encourage you to watch The Greater Good as well as the new movie Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe, which
documents fraud and cover-up at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the vaccine-autism link.
Parents of vaccine-injured children—who will be taking care of these children throughout adulthood—will tell you that
no vaccine is worth the risk.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 67