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cine between the twenty-seventh and thirty- industrial surfactant that encourages passage The WHO
sixth weeks of pregnancy, or up to twenty days across the blood-brain barrier) —its use of
prior to the expected due date. The Tdap com- aluminum adjuvants is especially worrisome lists
bination vaccine is intended to protect against because of aluminum’s known teratogenic prop- exposure
tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. In developing erties 33,34 and status as a perinatal toxicant. The to toxic
the new policy, Brazil followed the lead of the risks posed by aluminum adjuvants in vaccines
U.S., which in 2013 began recommending that have long been underestimated. The WHO chemicals
pregnant women receive the Tdap vaccine in lists exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy and heavy
their third trimester of pregnancy. metals as one of the most common causes of metals as one
Brazil started implementing its Tdap policy microcephaly. 37
in 2015, using a Tdap formulation manufactured GSK admits that “there are no adequate and of the most
by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Although the well-controlled studies [of the Tdap vaccine] in common
GSK Tdap vaccine contains other troubling pregnant women.” In fact, no vaccine recom- causes of
ingredients—including formaldehyde (a known mended for pregnant women has undergone
38 microcephaly.
human carcinogen) and polysorbate 80 (an testing to assess the potential for fetal harm,
Zika virus “spreading explosively” New York Times “The aim here is to ensure that we
in the Americas, WHO says 14 (Jan. 28, 2016) are ahead of the curve.”
Florida gets ready to fight Zika Sunshine State News “We know that we must be prepared for
virus as Rick Scott declares (Feb. 3, 2016) the worst even as we hope for the best.”
emergency in four counties 50
UN tells Latin American coun- The Guardian “Health authorities…have advised wom-
tries hit by Zika to allow (Feb. 5, 2016) en to avoid getting pregnant.”
women access to abortion
Obama seeks $1.8 billion for Zika re- CIDRAP “The Obama administration said it has been ag-
sponse; CDC ups emergency level 52 (Feb. 8, 2016) gressively working on Zika virus response….”
GOP skeptical of new The Hill “Usually they come up with the request for
funding for Zika 53 (Feb. 9, 2016) money before they come up with a plan.”
Why Zika is “much more insidious, The Washington Post “Even at this point, scientists are not able to say
cunning and evil” than Ebola 12 (Feb. 16, 2016) definitely that Zika is the cause of the problems.”
Pope suggests contraception can The Guardian “Unlike abortion, ‘avoiding pregnancy is
be condoned in Zika crisis 54 (Feb. 18, 2016) not an absolute evil’ and in certain cir-
cumstances it may be ‘the lesser evil.’”
Zika virus: Micocephaly may be “tip Live Science “Usually, viral infections don't
of the iceberg” for infant problems 55 (March 4, 2016) cause only one problem.”
The Zika virus doesn’t re- Los Angeles Times “Zika is just the latest manifesta-
spect borders—It’s time for (March 21, 2016) tion of a new world order.”
immediate U.S. action 56
Doctor urges 2016 Olympics should Fox Sports “Such a gathering of people in Rio could have
be moved due to Zika virus 57 (May 10, 2016) devastating worldwide consequences.”
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 63