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lack the mindset for normal patterns of social interaction. This may then  suffer the same symptoms. Some may not suffer
            contribute to the various autistic behaviors.                 at all. For the sake of those who do suffer, Wi-
               Like mobile phone signals, Wi-Fi signals can also cause cell mem-  Fi is not a good idea in schools—or anywhere
            branes to leak and calcium ions to flow through them in a relatively un-  else for that matter. Cabled Internet access is a
            controlled manner.  In the classroom, this may result in children's brains  healthier choice.
            losing the ability to concentrate.
               Further, electromagnetic radiation (such as that emitted by Wi-Fi, cell  PETER SULLIVAN is a software designer:
            phones, cell towers and “smart” meters) may affect the body like light      From birth, our elder son (born in 1996) got
            does at night—and inhibit melatonin production. Melatonin is a sleep  triggered easily, especially by noises and touch.
            hormone and a powerful antioxidant. It can reverse oxidative stress that  At three, he was kicked out of preschool and
            results from radiation.                                       diagnosed with sensory integration disorder (a
               While scientists explore further how EMR-exposure reduces mela-  symptom of autism). Our younger son (born in
            tonin production and study whether EMR-induced oxidative stress con-  1999) seemed to develop normally. Then, at four,
            tributes to autism—along with many other questions—we ought to first,  he regressed and stopped playing with other
            do no harm to our children.                                   children. He, too, was diagnosed with autism.
               Wi-Fi should therefore be considered an impediment to learning,     I'd thought that autism was entirely genetic,
            rather than an aid. Wi-Fi may be particularly hazardous to pregnant  and that there was nothing we could do about
            teachers, since exposing the brain of a fetus or a very young child to  it. Then I started reading about healthy children
            EMR may prevent normal brain development.                     regressing into autism, and others who'd been
               Because of genetic and environmental variability, not everyone will  diagnosed with the disorder and recovered from

    posts an excellent video about the effects of in-utero EMR-exposure on children's behavior; it features
             Dr. Hugh Taylor, head of Yale Medical School's Ob/Gyn dept. See also
    1800 peer-reviewed studies about the bio effects of EMR-exposure, posted by Cindy Sage, MA and David
             Carpenter, MD.

             Buie, T., “Evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of GI disorders in individuals with ASDs: a consensus report,” Pediatrics,
             2009-1878c: Doi:10.1542/peds.

             Herbert, Dr. Martha (pediatric neurologist at Harvard Medical School) and Cindy Sage, MA (coeditor of the BioInitiative
             Reports), “Autism and EMF? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link—Parts 1 and 2,” Pathophysiology 2013.

    Posted by Katie Singer, includes an international hot list and her papers posted after An Electronic
             Silent Spring's publication (Rudolph Steiner Books, 2014)—about EMR-exposure and wildlife, telecom law, how electronics
             impact climate change, cell tower fires, fertility and telecommunications, etc.

             Mallery-Blythe, Dr. Erica, “Children, Radiation and Health.” Excellent talk from a British MD.
    Child psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Dunckley, MD, author of Reset Your Child's Brain, presents her four-
             week electronic fast to end meltdowns, raise grades and boost social skills by reversing the effects of electronic screen-time.

    Peer-reviewed studies about EMR-exposure posted by Dr. Joel Moskowitz, researcher at UC-Berkeley's
             School of Public Health.

    Cris Rowan works with parents, teachers and students to balance tech time with movement and time in nature.
             For a Spanish translation of “Calming Behavior in Children wtih Autism and ADHD:”

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