Page 57 - summer2016
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TORIL JELTER, MD, has served as a general less electromagnetic radiation (EMR), children I learned that
practitioner since 1985, and a pediatrician since with autism excrete greater amounts of heavy
1990: metals (a good thing). I learned that exposure exposure to
In 2006, a two-year-old boy who I had to EMR from wireless technologies can impair EMR from
treated since birth was diagnosed with autism. a person's ability to detox. wireless
The boy had delayed speech, high-pitched I reviewed volumes of scientific studies and
screaming and anxious behavior. During office found that symptoms of heavy metal toxicity technologies
visits, he crawled under my exam table to hide. are similar to symptoms of EMR-exposure. I can impair
An indirect test suggested that mercury was an also saw an overlap between autism and EMR- a person's
issue—perhaps because the mother had eaten exposure. Scientists get curious with an overlap
lots of mercury-laden fish during her pregnancy, of just one biological dysfunction. I saw an ability to
hoping that the fish oil would make him smarter. overlap of fifty, including genetic alterations, detox.
A biochemist proposed chelating (eliminating) retinal optic damage, increased inflammatory
the mercury as a treatment for the child's autistic reactions, immune shifts, geno toxicity, in-
behavior. The parents asked me to monitor their creased oxidative stress, altered fetal develop-
son during this treatment. I declined, because I'd ment and increased auto-immune risks. The list
never heard of such a treatment. I knew about goes on—which tells us that more research is
speech therapy and reinforcing good behaviors. warranted. Until then, there's no harm in trying
The family left my practice and found a a two-week EMR reduction trial (see sidebar
pediatrician who monitored their child while below). I offer this protocol to families as my
the biochemist chelated him with DMSA. first approach for children with autism.
Three years later, the family visited my One of the first families who tried the
office again. To my complete astonishment, the EMR-Lowering Protocol had a four-year-old
boy—now five years old—made fantastic eye boy with an autism-spectrum disorder. He had
contact with me and spoke normally. He had slept poorly for two years. At night, he climbed
friends and performed above average without an into his parents' bed. So his parents had not slept
aid in the classroom. I was shocked. I thought, if well for two years, either. Within the first week
one child can recover from autism, so can many of their EMR remediation trial, the boy slept
more. through the night, in his own bed.
Starting with a call to the biochemist, I be- After two weeks, I prescribed a multi-vita-
gan researching environmental and integrative min and naturally processed fish liver oil. His
medicine. I learned that in environments with appetite improved, and his bowel movements
Before beginning the trial, parents need to fill out an autism treatment evaluation checklist to rate their child's sleep
quality, behavior, mood and speech. Find a checklist at the Autism Research Institute's website,
After the two-week trial, fill out the list again, then compare the two.
For an even simpler evaluation, parents can name three of their child's biggest problems and quantify each of them
from zero to ten before the experiment—and then again two weeks later. (Zero means no problem; ten means the worst
1. Turn off Wi-Fi at night for at least twelve hours. For Internet access, use a CAT 5 or 6 Ethernet cable.
2. Unplug all cordless (DECT) phones. Keep all mobile devices at least six feet from children and off in the car. (If both
parents agree, do not use any wireless technologies day or night for two weeks.)
3. From the breaker box, turn off the electricity to your child's bedroom at night if you can do so safely. Keep a flashlight
beside your child's bed. (Note: if you have a “smart” digital, transmitting utility meter on your home, avoid being near
the meter for prolonged periods. Learn about your state's regulations; get an analog meter restored. Learn more about
“smart” meters at, and
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 57