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third booster. Tomljenovic found evidence of HPV-16L1 antibodies binding to the wall of cerebral blood vessels. In
inflammation and an autoimmune reaction in addition, there was clear evidence of the presence of HPV-16L1 particles
the brain. Tomljenovic and her team reported within the cerebral vasculature with some HPV-16L1 particles adhering
the fact that the vaccine triggered an inflam- to the blood vessel walls.” In layman’s terms, they found antibodies to
matory and autoimmune response wherein the viral strains in the Gardasil vaccine in the patients’ brains and evidence
body attacked its own brain tissues, resulting in of an autoimmune reaction. They found particles of the vaccine in the
death. brains as well. Both of these females were previously healthy.
It is worth noting that these two patients sus- Scientists insist that the blood-brain barrier cannot be breached, but
tained a variety of adverse reactions to the first these results suggest otherwise. Even more troubling is the fact that these
shot such as headaches, dizziness, vomiting, tragic events occurred in healthy females, one a fully mature ninteen-year-
confusion, memory lapses, speech problems, old. Imagine what is happening in newborn babies whose blood-brain
weakness, fatigue, chest pains, tachycardia and barriers won’t be fully developed for several years.
more, and that these symptoms worsened fol- Health authorities insist this is nothing to worry about.
lowing the subsequent shots. Other researchers have reported on the risk of developing GBS after
In medicine, one of the generally accepted HPV vaccines. In particular they reported the following: “there was a
means of testing adverse reactions to drugs is nearly 2.5-10 times greater risk of acquiring GBS within 6 weeks after
to give the drug, monitor any reactions, wait, quadrivalent [Gardasil] vaccination when compared with general popu-
then give the drug again. If the same adverse lation. In addition, quadrivalent [Gardasil] vaccination was associated
reactions appear or worsen, it is accepted that with approximately 8.5 times more emergency department visits, 12.5
the medicine caused the adverse reactions. In times more hospitalizations, 10 times more life-threatening events and
the scientific world, this is known as challenge 26.5 times more disability than meningococcal C vaccination.”
and re-challenge and, together with the brain But perhaps their most illuminating remark is this conclusion: “We
tissue samples, suggests quite strongly that the remain of the considered opinion that health policy planners in India
vaccine caused these young women’s deaths. would be well advised to carefully assimilate independent opinion on
Here is what the researchers found in the this subject that is not influenced by vaccine manufacturers, who stand
brain tissues: “strong evidence of an autoim- to gain enormously from implementation of this intervention in vast
mune vasculitis triggered by the cross-reactive populations.”
The following is a list of links to resources relating to vaccine laws, vaccine exemption rights and vaccine injury
lawyers. The first is a link to the National Vaccine Information Center's (NVIC) state vaccine requirements page which
is updated regularly. The second link is to vaccine exemption rights attorney Alan Phillips. The third group is a list of
vaccine injury lawyers with the first in this group being a link to a federal list of vaccine injury lawyers and then links to
some of the biggest firms that represent vaccine injury cases.
VACCINE LAWS: NVIC State Vaccine Requirements
VACCINE EXEMPTIONS: Exemption Rights Attorney Alan Philips
FEDERAL LIST OF VACCINE INJURY ATTORNEYS – list of all vaccine injury attorneys in U.S. http://www.uscfc.uscourts.
Shoemaker and Associates –
Conway, Homer and Chin-Caplan, P.C. –
Carol L. Gallagher –
Maglio Christopher and Toale –
Curtis Webb – Vaccine Injury Law –
Richard Gage and Associates –
Andrew D. Downing –
Vaccine Injury Alliance –
68 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions