Page 41 - summer2016
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Such early effects as thrombosis and embolism  insulin-resistance and oxidative stress, increas-  The three
            sent the developers back to the labs in hopes of  ing systemic inflammation. The pill’s negative
            a safer formula for what they seem to consider a  effect on the microbiome is part of the reason   most
            chronic condition: fertility. And as time moved  mood swings and anxiety disorders are com- troubling
            along, many doctors began using the pill for  mon among users. Our gut flora are intimately   physical
            acne and dysmenorrhea as well. Sadly, the con-  involved in the production of neurotransmitters
            sequences of exposure to synthetic hormones  that influence mood and outlook. Research has   side effects
            continues to be a problem with the pill and other  shown that hormonal contraceptives have been  of using the
            hormonal contraceptives.                  linked to the development of inflammatory   pill and other
               The three most troubling physical side  bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s and colitis. 3
            effects of using the pill and other hormonal  As Hippocrates once said, “All disease begins   hormonal
            contraceptives are hormonal imbalances, nutri-  in the gut.” Addressing the potential damage by  contraceptives
            tional deficiencies and the likelihood of multiple  the pill on the gut is imperative to supporting   are hormonal
            abortions while on the pill. The birth control pill  one’s health and the health of those to come.
            is known to deplete the body of vital nutrients,                                   imbalances,
            and yet very few physicians alert their patients  RECOVERY DIET                    nutritional
            to this when prescribing it. The nutrients that     Ideally a young woman hoping to have a   deficiencies
            the pill depletes are the very ones that are so  baby should wait at least two years after discon-
            critical to the development of a healthy nervous  tinuing the pill before attempting to conceive.   and the
            system in future developing babies. Vitamins  Also important is avoidance of antibiotics for  likelihood of
            B , B  and folate, all depleted by the pill, are  at least two years prior to conception. This will   multiple
            crucial to the brain and nervous system of all  allow the woman's body to build up the vital vi-
            humans— adults, children and growing babies  tamins, minerals, hormones and intestinal flora   abortions
            in utero.                                 necessary for a vibrant pregnancy and healthy  while on
               Other nutrient deficiencies associated with  baby. Low levels of beneficial bacteria in the   the pill.
            the pill include low vitamins B  and B , biotin,  gut, as well as the overgrowth of candida and
            vitamin C and critical minerals such as cop-  other pathogenic yeasts and bacteria, are com-
            per and zinc. These deficiencies can result in  monly found in the mothers of autistic children.
            fatigue, low libido, skin eruptions, insomnia,  I highly recommend the implementation of the
            paranoia, weight gain, bloating, depression,  Gut and Psychology Diet (GAPS) after stopping
            anxiety, dizziness, dandruff, hair loss, itchiness  the pill. This gut-nourishing and healing diet
            and hormonal imbalances.                  developed by Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD,
               Further aggravating hormonal imbalances  will support the re-establishment of beneficial
            resulting from nutrient deficiencies, synthetic  gut flora and greatly improve one’s ability to as-
            estrogen and progesterone add insult to injury.  similate and synthesize key nutrients, especially
            The results include weight gain, fibrocystic  B  and B .
            breast disease, bone loss and infertility. The     The weekly inclusion of liver is the most
            contribution of synthetic hormones to the forma-  significant way to address vitamins B  and B
            tion of cancer growth in the breasts and uterus  depletion. Four to six ounces of chicken liver
            is well documented                        or three to four ounces of beef liver should be
               A more recently understood problem associ-  consumed on a weekly basis. This can be spread
            ated with the use of the pill involved a signifi-  out over the course of a week. Liver pâté or my
            cant disruption of gut flora. David Perlmutter,  raw milk and cream shake (see sidebar, page 43)
            MD, explains that while almost all medications  are both simple, delicious and satisfying ways
            adversely affect the microbiome, the long term  to include liver in the diet.
            daily usage of this synthetic hormone-altering     Folate is best repleted through the gener-
            medication is especially damaging to the intes-  ous use of cooked dark leafy green vegetables
            tinal terrain.  It can decrease thyroid hormone  daily along with the liver. By including real
            production as well as available testosterone.  food sources of vital nutrients (especially B
            Additionally, its long-term use can contribute to  and folate), one need not worry about genetic
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