Page 37 - summer2016
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Group ( Another good resource is Dy-  to use them for tracking and interpreting their   A
            ing to Look Good—The Disturbing Truth About  fertility signs. Most are easy to use if women
            What’s Really in Your Cosmetics, Toiletries  have regular cycles; longer cycles or different   comprehensive
            and Personal Care Products…and What You  patterns of discharge typically are not recog- approach to
            Can Do About It by Christine Hoza Farlow, DC  nized and interpreted. Thus couples having   reversing the
            (                    these patterns who wish to avoid pregnancy
               With toxicity as an additional piece to the  will have longer periods of abstinence. Usually,   trend of cycle
            mystery behind fertility  issues, women  (or  women need first to have NFP instruction before  problems or
            couples) have an opportunity to accelerate their  successfully utilizing NFP apps.  fertility issues
            healing by integrating gentle detoxification     A final step would be to implement a plan
            strategies. Kim Schuette, CN, explained many  that’s right for you. Engaging the assistance of   is often
            of these in detail in Wise Traditions (Spring  a well-trained and experienced consultant in  plausible and

            2015). Personally, I have found detox foot (or  fertility awareness and nutrition may be worth-  workable,
            tub) baths, alternately using plain Epsom salts,  while.
            baking soda and organic apple cider vinegar, as                                    thus allowing
            well as consuming beet kvass, to fit my lifestyle  TESTIMONIALS                    for a healthy
            best.                                        When Kaylene Reinker, now Gleason, from   fertility
               Next, seek out training in fertility aware-  California contacted me with a diagnosis of
            ness so you can assess your own fertility status.  PCOS and her doctor’s recommendation to take   comeback.
            There are many NFP providers and NFP apps  a drug for insulin resistance, she was adamant
            available. However, only a few such providers  not to travel down the drug path. She wanted
            are knowledgeable of all possible patterns of  to heal herself naturally. (See her testimonial
            fertility and infertility. The authentic Billings  below.)
            Ovulation Method (BOMA)—a Mucus-Only         Kaylene was able to reverse her PCOS by
            Method—( is one of those pro-  implementing a modification of a gut-healing
            viders. My practice also incorporates this infor-  program that fit her lifestyle—a program she
            mation (        liked and could follow. Conditions like PCOS
               NFP apps abound and many couples like  take a long time to reverse; one to two years is

                                                       KAYLENE'S STORY

                 At age twenty-six, I was diagnosed with PCOS after my doctor did some blood tests. I was relieved to have an
              explanation for all the symptoms I was experiencing. These symptoms included long and irregular cycles, weight gain (a
              total of forty pounds, which put me at an overweight BMI), hirsutism and acne. I was also concerned about low thyroid
              function because I had low basal temperatures, my fingernails peeled and my heels cracked. My doctor said that weight
              loss was the best thing I could do, so I could try to diet and exercise, but she also wanted to put me on medication
              (Metformin and an anti-bacterial face wash) right away. I had already made changes to my diet and exercise regimen,
              and it didn’t help, but I did not want to go on meds which I would potentially have to take for the rest of my life.
                 I contacted Vicki Braun, explained my situation, and asked for help. After asking me a few more background ques-
              tions, Vicki recommended I do a program that would heal my gut and restore my hormone balance, thus reversing
              PCOS. I also started to change my cleaning and personal hygiene products to more natural or organic ones. At first I
              was very strict on the diet. I started losing weight and my symptoms began to disappear. After four months, my cycles
              became regular, and my acne was less severe. I became less strict on the diet, following the protocols, but also started
              adding some foods that were not recommended. My symptoms continued to reverse. While checking in with Vicki,
              she advised me to supplement iodine to help with a possible thyroid issue. My nails stopped peeling, my heels stopped
              cracking, and my basal temps rose slightly. I became even more lax with the diet. I still limited my refined carbs and
              sugars, but only followed the probiotic protocol of the gut-healing program. A year after I started this modified program,
              all my symptoms but hirsutism were gone, and I was back to a healthy BMI from losing thirty pounds. I followed up
              with my doctor. She was very impressed with my progress and said I was the first person in fifteen years of her practice
              to reverse PCOS without medication. The follow-up blood test results came back normal. The difference in my health
              today from a year ago is incredible. I feel like I am once again in control of my health and body.

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